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Verse 1

The last words of David - i. e., his last Psalm, his last “words of song” 2 Samuel 22:1. The insertion of this Psalm, which is not in the Book of Psalms, was probably suggested by the insertion of the long Psalm in Numbers 24:3-4, Numbers 24:15-16, and in Proverbs 30:1; and in all these places the words spoken are inspired words. The description of David is divided into four clauses, which correspond to and balance each other.

Verse 4

Comparisons illustrating the prosperity of the righteous king.

Verse 5

Although my house … - The sense of this clause (according to the the King James Version) will be that David comparing the actual state of his family and kingdom during the later years of trouble and disaster with the prophetic description of the prosperity of the righteous king, and seeing how far it falls short, comforts himself by the terms of God‘s covenant 2 Samuel 7:12-16 and looks forward to Messiah‘s kingdom. The latter clause, “although he make it not to grow,” must then mean that, although at the present time the glory of his house was not made to grow, yet all his salvation and all his desire was made sure in the covenant which would be fulfilled in due time. But most modern commentators understand both clauses as follows: “Is not my house so with God that He has made with me an everlasting covenant,” etc.? “For all my salvation and all my desire, will He not cause it to spring up?” namely, in the kingdom of Solomon, and still more fully in the kingdom of Christ.

Verse 8

The duplicate of this passage is in 2 Samuel 23:8-9 is perhaps to be corrected by comparison with 1 Chronicles 11:11-12.

Chief among the captains - There is great doubt about the exact meaning of this phrase.

(1) the title is given to two other persons, namely, to Abishai in 2 Samuel 23:18; 1 Chronicles 11:20, and to Amasa in 1 Chronicles 12:18.

(2) the word translated “captain,” is of uncertain meaning, and the orthography repeatedly fluctuates throughout this and the duplicate passage in 2 Samuel 23:18. Such variations in numerals are very frequent. Compare the numbers in Ezra 2 and Nehemiah 7.

Verse 9

Gone away - Rather, went up to battle (2 Samuel 5:19; 2 Kings 3:21, etc.) against them. These words and what follows as far as “troop” 2 Samuel 23:11 have fallen out of the text in Chronicles. The effect of this is to omit EIeazar‘s feat, as here described, to attribute to him Shammah‘s victory, to misplace the flight of the Israelites, and to omit Shammah altogether from the list of David‘s mighty men.

Verse 11

Hararite - Interpreted to mean “mountaineer,” one from the hill country of Judah or Ephraim.

Verse 13

The feat at Bethlehem by three of the thirty was the occasion of their being formed into a distinct triad; Abishai 2 Samuel 23:18, Benaiah 2 Samuel 23:20, and a third not named, were probably the three.

In the harvest time - An error for “to the rock” (compare the marginal reference).

The troop of the Philistines - The word rendered “troop” occurs in this sense only here (and, according to some, in 2 Samuel 23:11), and perhaps in Psalm 68:11. In 2 Samuel 23:16 the reading is “host” or “camp,” which may be the true reading here.

Pitched - The same Hebrew word as “encamped” in 1 Chronicles 11:15.

Valley of Rephaim - Or Giants. See 2 Samuel 21:16 note.

Verse 14

In an hold - In “the hold” 1 Chronicles 11:16 close to the cave of Adullam (marginal reference note). It shows the power and daring of the Philistines that they should hold a post so far in the country as Bethlehem.

Verse 15

A cistern of deep, clear, cool water, is called by the monks, David‘s Well, about three-quarters of a mile to the north of Bethlehem. Possibly the old well has been filled up since the town was supplied with water by the aqueduct.

Verse 16

Brake through the host - Their camp was pitched in the valley of Rephaim 2 Samuel 23:13; 1 Chronicles 11:15. It follows from this that the way from Adullam to Bethlehem lay through or across the valley of Rephaim.

Poured it out unto the Lord - It was too costly for his own use, none but the Lord was worthy of it. For libations, see Judges 6:20 note.

Verse 17

Better as in 1 Chronicles 11:19.

Verse 18

Three - “The three” 2 Samuel 23:22. It was Abishai‘s prowess on this occasion that raised him to be chief of this triad.

Verse 19

i. e., “Was he not the most honorable of the three of the second order, howbeit, he attained not to the three,” the triad, namely, which consisted of Jashobeam, Eleazar, and Shammah. That two triads are mentioned is a simple fact, although only five names are given.

Verse 20

Benaiah the son of Jehoiada - He commanded the Cherethites and Pelethites all through David‘s reign 2 Samuel 8:18; 2 Samuel 20:23, and took a prominent part in supporting Solomon against Adonijah when David was dying, and was rewarded by being made captain of the host in the room of Joab 1 Kings 1:8, 1 Kings 1:26, 1 Kings 1:32-40; 1 Kings 2:25-35; 1 Kings 4:4. It is possible that Jehoiada his father is the same as Jehoiada 1 Chronicles 12:27, leader of the Aaronites, since “Benaiah the son of Jehoiada” is called a “chief priest” 1 Chronicles 27:5.

Two lion-like men - The Hebrew word אריאל 'ărı̂y'êl means literally “lion of God,” and is interpreted to mean “an eminent hero.” Instances occur among Arabs and Persians of the surname “lion of God” being given to great warriors. Hence, it is supposed that the same custom prevailed among the Moabites. But the Vulgate has “two lions of Moab,” which seems to be borne out by the next sentence.

Slew a lion … - Rather, THE lion, one of those described above as “a lion of God,” if the Vulgate Version is right. Apparently in a severe winter a lion had come up from its usual haunts to some village in search of food, and taken possession of the tank or cistern to the terror of the inhabitants, and Benaiah attacked it boldly and killed it.

Verse 23

David set him over his guard - “Made him of his privy council,” would be a better rendering. See 1 Samuel 22:14 note. This position, distinct from his office as captain of the Cherethites and Pelethites, is clearly indicated 1 Chronicles 27:34.

Verse 24

etc. The early death of Asahel 2 Samuel 2:32 would make it very likely that his place in the 30 would be filled up, and so easily account for the number 31 in the list. Compare throughout the list in 1 Chronicles 11.

Verse 36

It is remarkable that we have several foreigners at this part of the list: Igal of Zobah, Zelek the Ammonite, Uriah the Hittite, and perhaps Nahari the Beerothite. The addition of Zelek to the mighty men was probably the fruit of David‘s war with Ammon 2 Samuel 8:12; 10; 2 Samuel 12:26-31.

Verse 39

Thirty and seven in all - This reckoning is correct, though only 36 “names” are given, the names of only two of the second triad being recorded, but 31 names are given from 2 Samuel 23:24 to the end, which, added to the two triads, or six, makes 37. Joab as captain of the whole host stands quite alone. In 1 Chronicles 11:41-47; after Uriah the Hittite, there follow sixteen other names, probably the names of those who took the places of those in the former list, who died from time to time, or who were added when the number was less rigidly restricted to thirty.