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Verse 1

Beloved. App-135.

believe. App-150.

spirit. App-101.

try = test, prove. By the Word of God. Greek. dokimazo. See Romans 1:28 with Romans 12:2.

whether = if. App-118.

of. App-104.

God. App-98.

false prophets. Greek. pseudoproptetes. First occurance: Matthew 7:15.

into. App-104.

world. App-129.

Verse 2

Hereby. See 1 John 3:16.

know. App-132.

Spirit. App-101.

spirit. App-101.

that. Omit.

Jesus Christ. App-98.

is come = to have come.

the. Omit.

Verse 3

spirit. App-101.

that Jesus . . . flesh. The texts read "Jesus".

that = the.

antichrists = the Antichrist. See 1 John 2:18.

should come = cometh.

Verse 4

little children. App-108.

Verse 5

therefore = on account of (App-104. 1 John 4:2) this.

speak. App-121.

Verse 6

Hereby = From (App-104.) this.

spirit. App-101.

of truth. Genitive of character, or relation. App-17.

truth. See 1 John 1:6.

spirit. App-101. of error. Genitive of character, as above.

Verse 7

love. App-135.

love. App-135.

born = begotten.

Verse 9

manifested. App-106.

toward = in. App-104. The sphere in which the manifestation takes place.

only begotten. See John 1:14.

Son. App-108.

that = in order that. Greek. hina.

live. Compare App-170.

Verse 10

Herein = In (App-104.) this.

propitiation. Greek. hilasmos. Only here and 1 John 2:2. Compare Romans 3:25.

for = concerning. App-104.

sins. App-128.

Verse 11

ought also = also ought.

Verse 12

No man = No one. Greek. oudeis.

seen = beheld. App-133.

dwelleth. Greek. meno. See p. 1511.

perfected = made perfect. App-125.

Verse 13

Spirit. i.e. the gifts. App-101.

Verse 14

testify = bear witness. Greek. martureo. See p. 1511.

Father. App-98.

Verse 15

confess, &c. See Matthew 16:16.

Jesus. App-98.

Verse 16

believed = have believed. App-150.

to = in. App-104. Compare 1 John 4:9.

Verse 17

our love = love with (App-104.) us.

made perfect. App-125.

boldness. Greek. parrhresia. See 1 John 2:28.

judgment. App-177.

as He is. See 1 John 2:6.

Verse 18

no = not, 1 John 4:3.

perfect. App-125.

torment = punishment. Greek. kolasia. See Matthew 25:46.

Verse 19

Him. The texts omit.

Verse 20

a man = any one. App-123.

seen. App-133.

Verse 21

from. App-104. Compare 1 John 3:11, 1 John 3:23. John 13:34; John 15:12.