Verse 1
And. Note t he Figure of speech Polyeyedeton (App-6), in verses: Mark 4:1-9.
again. lie had taught there before. Compare Mark 3:7-9.
by . . . side = beside. Greek. para. App-104.
unto. Cr. pros. App-104.
multitude = crowd.
into. Greek. eis . App-104.
a = the. i.e. in the ship on the sea. Greek en. App-104.
by = toward: i.e. facing. Greek pros, as "unto", above.
on = upon. Greek. epi. App-104.
Verse 2
taught = was teaching.
by = in. Greek. en. App-104. Not the same word as in verses: Mark 4:31, Mark 4:38.
doctrine = teaching.
Verse 3
Behold. Figure of speech Asterismos (App-6), for emphasis. Greek. idou. App-133.
there went out. This parable is repeated in Luke 8:4 under different circumstances from those in Matthew 13:3, which accounts for the variation of wording. The an tecedents in Matthew and Mark are the visit or His kinsfolk, Mark 3:31-34 (which is a consequent in Luke 8:4). The consequent in Matthew and Mark is the question of the Twelve concerning others who asked the meaning. In Luke the consequent is the question of the Twelve as to its meaning (thus hearing it for the first time), followed by the visit of His kinsfolk. Why should not a parable be repeated several times? Why need they be identical? and why should not two accounts of the same be supplementary?
Verse 4
it came to pass. A Hebraism,
as he sowed = in (Greek. in as in Mark 4:2) his sowing.
Verse 5
on. Greek. epi. App-104. Not the some word as in Mark 4:8.
stony ground = the rocky (place understood).
not. Greek. ou. App-104. Not the same word as in Mark 4:12.
earth = soil. Greek. ge. App-129. Not the same word as in Mark 4:12.
immediately. See note on Mark 1:12.
because, &c. = on account of
its having. Greek. dia. App-104. Mark 4:2.
no. Greek. me. App-105. Not the same word as in verses: Mark 4:7, Mark 4:17, Mark 4:40.
Verse 6
when . . . was up = having risen.
Verse 7
among = into. Greek. eis App-104.
choked. The Greek sun in sumpnigo, denotes suffocation by compression.
it yielded no fruit. ADivine supplement. Occurs only here.
no. Greek. ou. App-105. Not the same word as in Mark 4:5, but the same as in verses: Mark 4:17, Mark 4:40.
Verse 8
on = into. Greek. eis. App-104.
good. Because prepared.
ground. Same word as "earth" in Mark 4:5, Mark 4:9 He that hath, fee. See App-142.
Verse 10
was = came to be.
they that were about Him . . . asked. Occurs only in Mark. Showing that this parable was spoken after that in Luk 8. See note on Mark 4:3.
about = around. Greek peri. App-104.
with = in conjunction with. Greek. sun. App-104. Not the some word as in Mark 4:16, Mark 4:24, Mark 4:30, Mark 4:36.
Verse 11
is = hath been.
know = got to know. Greek. ginosko, App-132. Compare 1 Corinthians 2:14. All the texts omit "to know" and read "has been given the secret" of the Kingdom, &c.
mystery = secret. Not before made known: i.e. its proclamation would be received only by a few.
the kingdom of God. See App-114.
that are without = outside (that circle). Occurs only in Mark. Compare 1 Corinthians 5:12, 1 Corinthians 5:13. 1 Thessalonians 4:12. In Matthew "to them", In Luke "to others".
done = come to be (spoken).
Verse 12
That, &c. Quoted from Isaiah 6:9, Isaiah 6:10 . See App-107.
seeing . . . see. Figure of speech Polyptoton, (App-6). Greek. blepo. App-133.
not. Greek. me. App-105.
perceive = see. App-133.
hearing . . . hear. Figure of speech Polyptoton . App-6.
be converted = return [to the Lord].
sins. App-128.
be forgiven. See Isaiah 6:10.
Verse 13
Know ye not . . . ? = Have ye no intuitive knowledge of. Greek. oida. App-132. A Divine supplement, here.
parables = the parables.
Verse 14
word, Greek. logos. See note on Mark 9:32.
Verse 16
with gladness. This effect of thus hearing has the "immediate" ending described in Mark 4:17.
with = in association with. Greek. meta. App-104.
Verse 17
and. . . for a time = but are temporary.
affliction = tribulation.
for . . . sake = on account of. Greek. dia. App-104. Mark 4:2.
are offended = stumble. The stumbling is as immediate as the "gladness "of Mark 4:16.
Verse 19
cares = anxieties.
world = age. Greek. aion. App-129.
of = concerning. Greek. peri. App-104.
Verse 21
Is . . . brought = Doth . . come. Figure of speech l"rosopopoeia App-6.
candle = the lamp. Greek. luchnos. App-130.
to be put = in order to be placed.
under. Greek. hupo. App-104.
bushel = the measure.
bed. Greek kline. Not the same word as in Mark 2:4 .
and not to be = [Is it] not [brought] in order that it may be.
candlestick = the lampstand.
Verse 22
nothing = not (Greek. ou. App-105.) anything.
manifested. Greek phaneroo. App-106.
was any thing kept secret = does a secret thing take place.
it should come abroad = it may come into (Greek. eis. App-104.) [the] light (App-1308),
Verse 23
If, &c. Assuming the hypothesis as a fact. App-118.
Verse 24
Take heed. App-133.
what. On the former occasion the Lord said "how" (Luke 8:18).
with. Greek. en. App-104.
to you. shall more be given = to you, and that with interest.
Verse 25
from. Greek. apo. App-104.
Verse 26
So = Thus.
if. A contingent hypothesis. App-118.
a man. Greek. anthropos. App-123.
should cast = should have cast.
seed = the seed.
into = upon. Greek. epi. App-104.
Verse 27
should sleep, and rise. These Present Tenses, following the Past in Mark 4:26, indicate the continued rising and sleeping after the seed was sown.
spring = sprout.
grow up = lengthen.
knoweth = has no intuitive knowledge. Greek. oida App-132.
Verse 28
of herself. Greek. automate = automatically. The word occurs only here and Acts 12:10. Galen (quoted by Wetstein) says it means "Not as being without a cause, but without a cause proceeding from us". "God clothes the grass". The explanation is in 1 Corinthians 3:6, 1 Corinthians 3:7,
the. the = a. a.
the full corn = full corn.
Verse 29
is brought forth = delivers itself up.
putteth in = sentient forth. Greek apostello. App-174., Compare John 4:38.
Verse 30
comparison = parable.
shall we = are we to.
Verse 31
in upon. Greek. epi. App-104.
that be in the earth. Divine supplement here.
Verse 32
groweth up. Divine supplement here.
shooteth out = makes.
the air = the heaven. Singular. See note on Matthew 6:9, Matthew 6:10. Occurs only in Mark.
Verse 33
spake = was He speaking.
as they were able to hear. Occurs only in Mark.
Verse 34
expounded = kept expounding. Compare Luke 24:27 and 2 Peter 1:20.
Verse 35
And the same day. This miracle is not the same as that recorded in Matthew 8:23-27, but is the same as that in Luke 8:22-25.
into. Greek. eis App-104.
Verse 36
also. ships = boats also. Occurs only in Mark.
other. Greek. Plural of allos. App-124.
Verse 37
storm = squall. The earlier storm in Matthew was caused by an earthquake (Greek. seismos). That storm was before the calling of the Twelve (Matthew 8:24 and Mark 10:1). This storm was subsequent (Compare Mark 3:13).
beat = were beating Thecefoer an open boat.
fullfilling. In the earlier storm it was gettingcovered.
Verse 38
in = on. Greek. epi. App-104. All the texts prefer Greek. en = in (App-104.)
asleep = sleeping (soundly). App-171.
a pillow = the [wooden] seat [with its leathern covering [or cushion].
Master = Teacher. App-98. Mark 4:1.
perish = are perishing.
Verse 39
rebuked the wind first, and then the disciples, because the danger was greater. In the earlier storm, He rebuked the disciples first, and the storm after, for the opposite reason.
was = became,
Verse 40
so = thus.
Verse 41
feared exceedingly = feared with a great fear. Figure of speech Polyptoton. App-6.
to. Greek pros. App-104.
What manner of Mau . . . ? = Who then is this One?