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Verse 1

Title. Same as Psalm 120. See App-67.

trust = confide. Hebrew. batah. App-69.

the LORD. Hebrew. Jehovah. App-4. Shall be as mount Zion. Some codices, with one early printed edition and Syriac, read "are in Mount Zion". App-68. for ever. Note the Figure of speech. Epistrophe (App-6), the words being repeated at the end of the next line.

Verse 3

For = Surely.

rod, or cudgel.

the wicked = the wicked (or lawless) one. Hebrew. rasha, App-44. Here the reference is to Sennacherib (Isaiah 30:31), but it looks forward to 2 Thessalonians 2:3, 2 Thessalonians 2:4.

rest upon = continue over,

lot = heritage (as allotted).

righteous. Plural: i.e. Hezekiah and the godly in Israel.

iniquity. Hebrew "aval. App-44.

Verse 5

iniquity. Hebrew "aval. App-44.