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Verses 1-6

1. A triumphant praise declaration108:1-6

David praised God exultantly for His great love and His amazing faithfulness. He wanted God to exalt Himself over all the earth and to deliver him from his affliction.

Verses 1-13

Psalm 108

This song is evidently the product of someone who pieced together sections of other Davidic psalms for the Israelites to use in public worship. Psalm 108:1-5 are very similar to Psalm 57:7-11, and Psalm 108:6-13 are identical with Psalm 60:5-12. [Note: See my comments on these verses elsewhere in these notes.] The theme of this psalm is trust in God because of His promises, i.e, because of their past and future fulfillment.

Verses 7-13

2. A confident prayer request108:7-13

The psalmist cited God"s promise to subdue the nations around Israel ( Psalm 108:7-9). Then he expressed his confidence that victory was possible if God would grant it, but impossible if He would not. David was relying on Israel"s Warrior, not his army, to defeat the enemy. He realized and confessed that if victory depended on the sinful people, they would fall in defeat.

This is a great expression of dependence on God and trust in Him for the deliverance He promised. We who are God"s people should face our spiritual enemies with the same humility and confidence.