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Verses 1-3

1. Introductory praise111:1-3

After a call to praise Yahweh, the unknown psalmist promised that he would praise God publicly. The greatness of God"s works, which those who love them study, drew his praise. He also gloried in God"s ceaseless righteousness.

Verses 1-10

Psalm 111

This is one of the acrostic psalms (cf. Psalm 9, 10; Psalm 25; Psalm 34; Psalm 37; Psalm 112; Psalm 119; Psalm, 145). Each successive line in the Hebrew text begins with the next letter of the Hebrew alphabet. The writer evidently expressed his thoughts this way so the Israelites could memorize and recite the psalm easily. He recounted the Lord"s great works of redemption that should draw out His people"s praise.

"Acrostic poems in general do not show logical development because of the arbitrary imposition of the alphabetic form." [Note: VanGemeren, p700.]

" Psalm 111-113all begin with Hallelujah, and there is a specially close bond between111,112. These two are ... a matched pair in their subject-matter, which tells of God in this Psalm, and of the man of God in the next, even sharing the same or similar phrases in one or two verses." [Note: Kidner, Psalm 73-150, p396.]

"But Psalm 111, 112are treated separately because they have a slightly different accent, an unqualified statement that the world is ruled by God with moral symmetry. That symmetry in the world is reflected in the disciplined acrostic structure of these two psalms. The world works so that persons receive the consequences of their actions ( Galatians 6:7); this statement entertains no doubt about it." [Note: Brueggemann, p45.]

This author called these psalms "songs of retribution." [Note: Ibid.]

Verses 4-9

2. Praise for specific works111:4-9

Psalm 111:4 states the theme of this section. God graciously helped His people, and consequently they remember to praise Him. Psalm 111:5-6 cite examples of God"s goodness. In Psalm 111:7-9, the writer praised God further for His redemption and His faithfulness.

Verse 10

3. Concluding Wisdom of Solomon 111:10

The writer may have quoted Job 28:28, Proverbs 1:7 or Psalm 9:10, or Ecclesiastes 12:13.

"This famous saying is virtually the motto of the Wisdom writers, where its truth appears in various forms ..." [Note: Kidner, Psalm 73-150, p398.]

In view of God"s great acts and faithfulness, fearing Him is the better part of wisdom. Obedience expresses reverential trust. Continuing worship is also appropriate. Some interpreters take the last clause as a prayer rather than a statement. [Note: E.g, Dahood, 3:125.]

God"s people should commit to memory the great characteristics and works of their God so they will remember to trust and obey Him.