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Verse 1

1. A call for universal worship117:1

The unknown psalmist summoned all people to praise Yahweh (cf. Romans 15:11). To "laud" (Heb. shavah) means to glorify, to boast about, and to extol.

Verse 1-2

Psalm 117

This shortest of all the psalms focuses attention on the importance of praising God for two of His most wonderful qualities, namely: His loyal love and His faithfulness. It is a psalm of descriptive praise.

Verse 2

2. The cause for universal worship117:2

Essentially all people, including the Gentiles (Heb. goyim, "ummim), should praise God because He is who He is. Two of the outstanding qualities that God demonstrates are loyal love and truth. His loyal love (Heb. hesed) to His people is very great, and His truth continues forever. Human loyalty often has limits, and we are not consistently truthful. The Hebrew word translated "truth" is "emet, which the translators frequently rendered "faithfulness." The relationship between these two English words is clear. Because the Lord is "true," i.e, 100 percent loyal, reliable, truthful, and trustworthy, He is a faithful God. Hesed and "emet often occur together in the psalms. God"s faithfulness connects closely with His loyal love. This psalm closes as it begins: with an exhortation to praise the Lord.

Outstanding among all God"s great qualities are His loyal love and faithfulness. His people should honor Him for these traits consistently and frequently.