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Verse 1-2

1. Joyful anticipation of worship122:1-2

David related how happy he felt when it was time to worship God at the sanctuary in Jerusalem. It was a great privilege to stand within the gates of the city that God had chosen as the place where He would meet with His people.

Verses 1-9

Psalm 122

David spoke of his delight in going up to the temple to worship God in this short psalm. He exhorted the Israelites to pray for the security of Jerusalem so that this blessing might continue. Such a condition, i.e, a peaceful state, would glorify God, as well as benefit His people.

Verses 3-5

2. Jerusalem"s privileged condition122:3-5

God had blessed Jerusalem by giving it a large, compact population. He appointed it the center of national life and worship, to which people from all the tribes of Israel resorted for festive occasions. They also traveled there for judicial verdicts from the righteous king, whom God had provided for His people.

Verse 6-7

3. Prayer for Jerusalem"s peace122:6-7

David called the Israelites to ask God to maintain Jerusalem (lit. foundation of peace) in peace. They were to pray for God"s prosperity on all who wanted to preserve Jerusalem as the important center it was. They should also pray for the peace and prosperity of all who lived in the city. David himself prayed for the populace. He sought the welfare of Jerusalem chiefly because the house of Yahweh stood within it.

The welfare and continuity of places that are centers for the worship and work of God in the world should occupy the prayers of God"s people.