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Verses 1-31


The Amalekites raid Ziklag, and are pursued by David

2. Slew not any] They would be valuable as slaves.

6. Spake of stoning him] They probably thought he had been negligent in leaving Ziklag without a guard.

8. Enquired at the lord] by means of the Urim in the ephod: see on Exodus 28:30.

13. My master left me] The life of a slave was of little more importance than that of a horse.

14. The Cherethites] Cherethite is used with Pelethite, perhaps another name for Philistine: see 1 Samuel 30:16 and Zephaniah 2:5. It is very possibly connected with Crete, the country from which the Philistines were believed to have come (Amos 9:7). David had the capacity of turning foes into faithful friends and soldiers.

16. Dancing] RV 'feasting,' i.e. enjoying themselves merrily.

17. Twilight] This is probably the evening twilight.

20. The LXX has no word corresponding to 'David': 'and they took all the sheep and oxen (i.e. those belonging to the Amalekites) and drave them before the other cattle (i.e. those belonging to David's followers) and said, This is David's spoil.' In repentance for their former attitude (1 Samuel 30:6), they resolved only to keep what had been taken from them by the Amalekites, and to surrender the other spoil to David.

26. He sent of the spoil] In gratitude for their goodwill when he was a hunted outlaw. David's action was also due to policy. He wished them to be ready to accept his rule, when the time came.