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Verses 1-33

1-7. The Egyptian alliance is profitless.

8-11. The perversity of Judah,

12-17. and its disastrous consequences.

18-26. There is a glorious prospect for the repentant people.

27-33 But first Jehovah will destroy the Assyrian.

1. Cover, etc.] seek pretence to conceal their designs (Isaiah 29:15).

4. Were.. came] RV 'are.. come': the ambassadors of Judah go from place to place in Egypt seeking aid.

Zoan (Gk. Tanis) and Hanes (Gk. Heracleopolis) were both cities in the Delta of the Nile.

5. Were all] RV 'shall all be.' A people] Egypt.

6. The burden.. south] a title prefixed to the short utterance, Isaiah 30:6, Isaiah 30:7. Burden] see Isaiah 13:1.

South] Negeb, i.e. the desert tract S. of Judah on the way to Egypt. The v. pictures the journey of the Judæan ambassadors through a district infested with dangerous beasts, their camels and asses laden with presents, wherewith they hope to purchase Egypt's aid.

7. This] i.e. Jerusalem (according to AV), who, instead of thus seeking foreign aid, ought to rest confident in Jehovah's protection (Isaiah 30:15). But more probably the reference is to Egypt. 'Therefore have I called her Rahab that sitteth still' (RV), i.e. is inactive in the day when help is expected from her (Isaiah 36:6). 'Rahab' ('pride'): a symbolic name for Egypt, as in Isaiah 51:9.

8. Write it] i.e. the foregoing prophecy or the name Rahab (Isaiah 8:1). Table] RV 'tablet.'

9. The law] i.e. oral instruction given through the prophet (Isaiah 8:16).

13. This iniquity] i.e. disregard of Isaiah's admonition and reliance on Egypt is a symptom of ruin, like the bulging of a wall on the point of falling.

15. In returning, etc.] i.e. in giving up your restless trust in man and calmly relying upon Jehovah.

16. It was the reputation of its cavalry especially that made Egypt so desirable an ally (Isaiah 36:9).

17. One thousand, etc.] the words indicate the complete rout (Leviticus 26:8).

Beacon.. ensign] striking symbols of solitariness.

18. Wait] The above threatenings are conditional, Jehovah will wait to give them an opportunity of repentance. Of judgment] and therefore not unduly severe.

20. Removed.. corner] RV 'hidden'; the prophets will not need to hide themselves but will be publicly recognised.

22. The altered frame of mind manifested in destraction of idols. Covering.. ornament] RV 'overlaying.. plating.'

23-26. treat of the corresponding change in nature which shall mark the ideal future (Isaiah 4:2).

24. Clean] 'salted.' Even the cattle shall not lack carefully prepared and seasoned provender.

25. Slaughter] i.e. of the Assyrians.

Towers] siegetowers.

26. Breach] RV 'hurt.'

27. Reverts to the more immediate future, the judgment on the Assyrians which is preparatory to the great future. The name] practically equivalent to 'the manifestation.'

And.. heavy] RV 'and in thick rising smoke,' smoke being a symbol of anger.

28. With.. vanity] i.e. the sifting will reduce them to nothingness.

29. Ye] i.e. God's own people.

Mighty One] RV 'Rock' implies that Jehovah is the strength of His people.

30. Voice] the thunder. Jehovah's wrath is figured as a storm. Scattering] RV 'a blast.'

31. Beaten down] RV 'broken in pieces.'

Which smote] see Isaiah 10:24.

32. And.. pass] RM 'And every stroke of doom.' With tabrets, etc.] i.e. with songs of exultation on the part of God's people. With it] RV 'with them.'

33. The destruction of the Assyrian set forth under the image of a funeral pyre. Tophet] 'a Tophet,' i.e. a place of burning. The name was given to the valley of Hinnom, where, previous to Hezekiah's accession, sacrifices were offered by fire (2 Kings 16:3). The breath, etc.] It is here indicated as elsewhere (cp. Isaiah 31:8) that the destruction of the Assyrians shall not be brought about by human agency.