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Verses 1-53


The Resurrection and the Ascension

1-11. Two angels appear to the women at the sepulchre (Matthew 28:1-8; Mark 16:1-8 : cp. John 20:1-2). See on Mt and Jn.

12. Peter visits the sepulchre. See on John 20:3-10. This v. is wanting in some ancient authorities.

13-35 The journey to Emmaus (Mark 16:12-13). Though alluded to in Mk, this beautiful narrative is peculiar to Lk. The conjecture of Theophylact that one of the two disciples was St. Luke still finds supporters, but is unlikely.

13. Emmaus] Josephus speaks of an Emmaus 60 furlongs from Jerusalem, the habitation of a colony of Titus's soldiers. This may be the modern Kulênieh (lit. 'colony'), 7 m. W. of Jerusalem.

16. Their eyes were holden] Mk gives a slightly different explanation ('He appeared in another form'). St. Luke implies that our Lord prevented their recognition of Him by an act of will. But apart from this a certain change seems to have passed over His body at the Resurrection: cp. John 21:4.

17. As ye walk, and are sad] RV' And they stood still, looking sad,' but the 'Western' text is nearly as AV.

18. Cleopas] a person otherwise unknown. The obscurity of the persons concerned is a pledge of the authenticity of the narrative.

Art thou] RV 'Dost thou alone sojourn in Jerusalem and not know the things,' etc.

21. Redeemed Israel] perhaps they were only thinking of redemption from Roman rule (Acts 1:6). Third day] Possibly they remembered Christ's prophecy (Luke 18:33).

26. Ought not Christ] More exactly, 'Ought not the Messiah' (in consequence of the prophecies) 'to have suffered these things and to have entered into His glory?' This passage supports the view that Jesus entered into glory not at the Ascension, but at the Resurrection. The Gk. implies that the entering into glory was already past, and the phrase 'His glory' implies that the glory was complete. Probably our Lord was in heaven during the Forty Days, descending to earth for occasional interviews.

30. Hetookbread] RV 'thebread.' Although so similar to the institution of the Holy Supper, this was probably not a celebration of it, but an act resembling the blessing and breaking of the bread at the feeding of the 5,000, at which probably the two disciples had been present.

31. He vanished] Our Lord's risen body was a perfect organ of spirit, and could manifest itself in whatever place, or under whatever sensible conditions He willed. After disappearing at Emmaus He seems to have transported Himself instantaneously to Jerusalem, and there to have appeared to Simon, Luke 24:34 : cp. our Lord's mysterious appearance when 'the doors were shut,' John 20:19.

34. The Lord is risen] Apparently inconsistent with Mark 16:13, q.v. To Simon] see 1 Corinthians 15:5.

36-43. Appearance on Easter Evening (John 20:19-25 : cp. Mark 16:14). See on Jn. At first sight there appears “to be no break in the narrative till the end of the Gospel, and the Ascension (Luke 24:51) seems to take place on he very day of the Resurrection. But since it is unlikely that so careful an historian as St. Luke would contradict himself on so important a point of chronology (see Acts 1:3), it seems safer to hold that the conclusion of St. Luke from Luke 24:44 is a summary of the whole events of the 40 days, and not simply of those of Easter Day. It is, however, just possible that Luke 24:51 does not describe the Ascension. In this case there is no difficulty in assigning the whole of the events of this chapter to Easter Day.

39. And my feet] Probably the feet also were pierced. Handle me] A proof of a corporeal resurrection. Our Lord's body was now spiritual, but it was manifested by Him on this occasion under sensible conditions to show that it was the same body which was crucified. Flesh and bones] are mentioned as representing the solid and tangible framework of the body. Blood is not mentioned, but this is no proof that our Lord's body did not possess it: see 1 Corinthians 10:16.

42. And of an honeycomb] Some ancient authorities omit these words. Our Lord ate, not as needing food, but to afford a sign. The Apostles laid great stress on His eating and drinking with them as proof of the reality of the Resurrection, Acts 10:41 : cp. Acts 1:4; RM.

44-49. Summary of instructions given during the Forty Days.

44. The law.. the prophets.. the psalms stand for the three divisions of the OT. Canon recognised by the Jews. The 'Prophets' include the historical books except Chronicles and Ruth. 'Psalms' stand for' the Writings,' i.e. the third division of the Canon, of which it is the principal book.

47. Among all nations] RV 'unto all the nations'; a proof that Jesus contemplated a universal Church.

49. The promise] i.e. the Holy Spirit, Acts 1:4 : cp. John 15:26.

50-53. The Ascension (Acts 1:9; Mark 1:19). See on 51. And carried up into heaven] A few ancient authorities omit these words. If they are omitted, it is possible to regard this event, not as the Ascension, but as a miraculous disappearance of Jesus at the end of the interview begun in Luke 24:36.

52. And they worshipped him] A few ancient authorities omit these words.