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Verse 7


See margin ref., (See Scofield "Matthew 14:1"). Also Luke 23:8; Luke 23:11; Luke 23:12; Luke 23:15; Luke 3:1

Verse 33

And when

For order of events at the crucifixion, (See Scofield "Matthew 26:20") See Scofield "Matthew 27:33"

The first note refers to the events of the night preceding; the second, the day of the event.

Verse 35


Jesus crucified is the true touchstone revealing what the world is: "The people stood beholding" in stolid indifference; the rulers, who wanted religion, but without a divine Christ crucified for their sins, "reviled"; the brutal amongst them mocked or railed; the conscious sinner prayed; the covetous sat down before the cross and played their sordid game. The cross is the judgment of this world. John 12:31

Verse 42


(See Scofield "Matthew 3:2").

Verse 43


As to "paradise," cf. Luke 16:23 (See Scofield "Luke 16:23"). One thief was saved, that none need despair; but only one, that none should presume.

Verse 46

gave up

(See Scofield "Matthew 27:50").

Verse 47


(See Scofield "Romans 10:10").

Luke 22


Luke 24


Luke 23". luke-23