3 things needed to become one
The Gospel of John (100) 3 things necessary to become one (John 17:20-26)
1. Hear the Word and do it
When the saints live according to the Word and achieve complete unity, the world believes in the Lord and believes that the Lord loves them (verses 21, 23). You cannot enjoy the blessings of the Word if it ends with listening to and knowing the Word or ending with a smile. The reason for listening to the Word must be to listen in order to do it. Blessings are not obtained from outward appearances. The true blessing is to change yourself by hearing and doing. It is also about changing others by changing yourself.
2. Be with your partner
The Lord wants to be with us and see His glory (verse 24). It is important to understand people well in life, but it does not end with understanding them well, but only when we have the spirit of the incarnation that is with us in body and mind to become one. The essence of love is ‘being with that person in your body and becoming like that person at all’. If there is one baby in the household, everyone becomes like that baby. At that time, the official language was not “take it seriously” but “Mamma!”. Even the baby says “Mamma!” and both parents and grandparents say “Mamma!” so that the baby can understand. Then the heavenly family will unfold.
When you are a baby, your grandfather, who has the greatest power in the world, or the grandfather of a large corporation, crawls across the floor and plays the role of a baby's horse. At that time, the babies hold the grandfather's head and ears, but the grandfather smiles happily. Because you love, you become like the other person. Then, as the child grows up and realizes the meaning of love, when he matures, he tries to understand the feelings of his parents and grandparents backwards and stand by them. That is happiness. When we give up ourselves and become like the other person, unity is achieved.
3. Seek to be filled with the Holy Spirit
To become one, the love of God must be in us and Jesus must be in us (verse 26). For that, you must be filled with the Holy Spirit. Someone was in the choir and did not come out. When I found out the reason, it was that the person next to me kept tearing up my eyes and didn't come out because I was in a bad mood. It is wrong for those who tear their eyes, but it is also wrong for those who are immersed in their emotions and take tests. Because I didn't do the choir for people to listen to. Such self-centered minds must be broken.
One of the names of the disease is NPD. It's called 'Narcissistic Personality Disorder'. There are two signs of people with this disorder. The first is that he misunderstands himself as a very important person, and the second is that he pursues unattainable fantasies, love, and abilities. This disorder is not one of a handful of disorders, and many people today have such narcissistic personality disorder.
Narcissism is derived from the Greek god named Narcissus. Narcissus had a fantastic beauty and many women loved him, but no one cared about him. One day, thirsty, he went to a puddle and saw his reflection in the water. And he couldn't take his face away from his beautiful self, and he forgot to eat and eventually died. His death was due to self-immersion.
Even today, many capable people fall into the trap of self-immersion and ruin themselves. The most incurable disease of idolatry is self-worship. Such self-worship is sure to lead to ruin. Nowadays, many people are not interested in “Is it good for the community?” but “Is it good for me?” Get rid of that self-centeredness. The most opposite of ‘filled with the Holy Spirit’ is ‘self-fulfillment’. Changing ‘self-fulfillment’ to ‘saint fullness’ is the best way to become one.