Title: Family, Parents, Children (May 7th)
The most beautiful place in this world is your home. There is rest. There is peace. There is freedom. (…)
May is a precious season given by God. It is a time to think about family and think about parents and children. This is because it is the season to rethink the relationship that you have never thought about before and to reconnect the relationship that has been distant. This May, we want to testify of God's will for our homes and families. (…)
The text of the text is called “Shema” as the most important confession of faith among the laws including the Ten Commandments. The Shema (hear) is the basic Jewish profession of faith. It is the basis of Jewish education, and I had them memorize it morning and night, and I wrote these words and kept them with me at all times. Three things are emphasized. ㉠Love God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength (verse 5). ㉡Teach your children diligently what I have commanded (verse 7). ㉢Tie the Word to your wrist, attach it to your forehead, and apply it to a doorpost to make it a symbol (verses 8-9). It shows the parents to teach, the children to learn, and the home in which that education takes place.
①Children obey their parents.
It is the basic, orderly, and natural duty of human beings for children to obey their parents and be filial. Many times the Bible stresses us to obey and honor our parents. Because it is not well maintained. Still, it is to honor your parents. When we obey our parents, our humanity is created. Obedient children can comfort their parents. make you happy you will be honored. A family that honors parents is a stable family. (…)
② Parents are to raise their children as believers.
In Colossians 3, parents are told not to provoke their children. What does it mean? It is to teach well. Today, we asked the parents of children who were baptized as infants last week. “How are you going to raise this child?”, “I will leave it to God!” Then, what is entrusting to God? To nurture according to the word of God is to entrust. (…) Infant baptism is the promise of parents to make their children grow up to be believers. So, when the child turns 18, the entrance ceremony is held. It is a pledge to raise children as believers, and if you are faithful to this pledge, your parents' faith will be kept while raising children. (…) Parents are models to their children. This is your child's pattern. Children see their parents' actions and implicitly imitate them.
Verse 7 says, “Teach your children diligently and preach these words.” It is to raise children to be godly believers. You reap what you sow. The role of church school teachers who provide religious education is very important. Human character is created and shaped by the atmosphere. A child raised in a religious atmosphere may be shaken for a while, but it will surely come back. (…)
Preach the Word to your children. Israeli mothers point to the Bible when they are 2 or 3 years old. Let them read at the age of 5. It's for reading the Bible. Why read the Bible? It is to make us believe in the invisible God. How much thought would it take to believe in an invisible God? Logic and wisdom develop in the process of realizing the mystery that the invisible God created the heavens and the earth. So it's a brain thing. (…)
Christians must live with the end in sight. Me and you, I have to decide the relationship by looking at the end of my life. Look at the end of your child. Faith education is about seeing the future.
May is a month to think about families. I think of myself, I think of my parents, I think of my children… The home is where wisdom is characterized by parents who teach obedient sons. God bless this family. Amen.
home, parent, child
(Deuteronomy 6:5-9)