Title: Father's Will
content title; father's will
Bible: Matthew 11:25-30
(Isa 26:2) "You will keep in peace those whose hearts are steadfast, for they trust in You." No matter how stormy the world is, those who trust in God never waver or drift. Who is meant by a 'strong wick'? If you make a decision in your heart, you keep it until the end, and if you decide to depend on the Lord, you are the one who keeps that faith until the end. What did you promise to reward him with? It is the peace of God.
first ; come to me
“Come to me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (verse 28). It refers to those who continue to be weary under heavy burdens by others. It can also mean the burdens of laws and traditions, especially traditionally imposed, in addition to the pain of sin and anxiety or physical duties. Jesus is not only the revealer of God, but the one who invites all people. Jesus is inviting us to salvation and rest with the broad love that anyone who comes to us can receive, and the absolute authority to call all human beings himself.
Second: learn from me
“Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am meek and lowly in heart, and you will find rest” (verse 29). Isaiah humbly described the Messiah as a suffering servant, and prophets like Zechariah were meek and eschatological. It is introduced as a person with a humble personality. Saints must learn the meekness and humility of Jesus. Rest is a grace and a gift from Jesus. 'If you do', you must be meek and humble. The meekness and humility of Jesus. If you don't learn the truth, you can never find rest. Unless you learn the meekness and humility of Jesus, there can be no real rest anywhere in the world.
Third: Take my yoke upon you
“For my yoke is easy and my burden is light” (verse 30). Jesus’ yoke has many meanings, but it is also the lightest. Augustine likens Jesus’ yoke to a feather of a bird, whose feather is the sky. Light enough to fly freely. The commandment of Jesus is not heavy because it is a commandment of love. The yoke of Jesus brings certain salvation. It is light and wonderful joy because I do not bear the yoke alone, but carry it with Jesus in love. this will come