Title: Five rules of life for successful people
The Gospel of John (72) The Five Laws of Life for Successful People (John 12:31-43)
1. Take up the cross
The most basic foundation for a successful life is the ‘cross’. The cross is to lead to future success with the sacrifice of the present as collateral. Because the Lord knew the principle of victory through the cross, He challenged people to the cross. Furthermore, instead of just challenging others to carry the cross, he planned to carry the cross himself (verse 32).
Now, when praying for blessings, pray first: "God! Help me to know what is the most appropriate cross to bear in my current situation!” If you pray and search for the cross you should bear in that way, God will help you find the cross that is most appropriate for you and the field in which you can devote yourself best. After finding that way, you will meet someone who will bring you success only when you boldly take up the cross.
2. Be thankful for everything.
Some believers misunderstand that they have chosen the Lord for themselves. But, in reality, the Lord led them (verse 32). When you realize that fact, you know that the Lord Himself has led you, so the greater your faith, the greater your gratitude. After all, the greatest characteristic of a believer is overflowing with gratitude.
Grace has nothing to do with one's own merits. On the contrary, they distance themselves from the Lord by their own merits alone. Only the Lord's good grace brings us closer to Him. You cannot come to the Lord with your own knowledge, zeal, and ability alone. You can go to the Lord only when the Lord opens your heart, melts it, and gives you direction. Now, on the basis of the fact that you have been saved, build a life of gratitude for everything. Then there will be plenty of things to be thankful for and blessings to be.
3. Sweat.
The words of the Lord, “Believe in the light while there is still light!” (verses 35-36) also apply to the principle of “Seize the opportunity of blessing!” Responsibility is an important factor in seizing the opportunity of blessing, and sweat is closely related to responsibility. So, sweat hard to seize the chances of success.
In Genesis 2:20, the need for a matchmaker to help Adam in naming was highlighted. When we work hard, God gives us helpers and allows us to seize opportunities. One of the most important things a person needs to prepare for a successful life is sweat. You cannot be happy just eating and playing. God's grace also favors those who sweat, and the grace given based on sweat becomes valuable.
4. Let go of cynicism.
At that time, the people did not believe in Jesus even after seeing many signs and were cynic (verses 37-40). Ask questions if necessary. He is wrestling with that question and wrestling with God. Do your research and look around, but don't be cynical. Even cynics do research, but do research with an eye to discover 'errors' rather than 'answers'. The cynicism is already determined to be suspicious even if the investigation begins. After all, cynicism is mocking others and mocking God.
No matter what bitter experiences you have, don't be a cynical soul. It can grow bigger in manure piles. Bury the past, failures and wounds. Otherwise, the past will bury you. Hanging on a wound is like cancer. When you forget the hurt of the past and forget the anger, from then on, time acts as a tonic for the soul. And gradually, over time, God will carry out His plan wonderfully through us.
5. Exalt God
Even among the influential rulers at that time, there were many who believed in Jesus, but they could not put forward their faith because they were afraid of expulsion. They sought the glory of men (verses 42-43). God judges the feast of only humans. For a banquet to be a blessed banquet, God must be placed at the top of the banquet. What good is Cleopatra's beauty without God? Don't just look at Cleopatra's nose. Cleopatra also suffered from severe hemorrhoids.
There is not much difference between people alone. What makes people the most different is the absence of God. Those who do not have God are like those who have lost everything, and those who have God are like those who have all. If there is no God, we will eventually be humiliated, but if there is God, we will eventually enter the place of glory. Always keep God at the top of your heart, acknowledge God in all things, and live for the glory of God. ‘God’s glory’ and ‘successful life’ are not two, but one.