Title: Fear of God (Acts 2:37-47)
[Acts 2:37-47]
A mirror is a useful tool that allows us to see who we really are. It is important to see the appearance of the early church in the book of Acts because it serves as a mirror through which we can see the appearance of the church in the present history. Among the various works of the Holy Spirit in today's text, there is one fact that is easily lost and easily forgotten in this day and age, despite the fact that it has been flowing down throughout the Bible.
Section 43. Everyone is afraid... Everyone was filled with fear.
Everyone was full of fear, but why? The text talks about three things.
First, because Jesus, who was thought to be an ordinary human being, died and rose again, because the impossible happened. Those who saw the one they cursed and killed rose to life and ascended to heaven while sharing food and talking, they could not help but be afraid.
Second, because many wonders and signs took place because of the apostles. After Jesus ascended to heaven, when only the disciples were left, I saw signs and wonders still taking place just as when Jesus lived, and I was afraid because I realized that he is the living God.
Third, it was because I saw how people change. Those who heard the word repented, and the saints were changed, and I saw things that had never been done before in the church. They shared everything they had in common, sold their possessions to help the poor, and gathered together daily to pray and sing praises.
Therefore, the verse in the text, “Everyone is afraid” is the fear of God.
The God the Bible speaks of is a God of love, but that God is not a lying God, but a God who sees with his eyes like a flame. God who makes There was such a sense of crisis and such belief in the early church that not believing in Jesus Christ and not believing in God was like accepting death. This is the balance of the early church.
How are we today? Are we living consciously of the God who is present in our lives? Are we, who are full of sin, afraid that a sinless and blameless God is with us?
The Old Testament calls us a God of love, but the Proverbs says that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge. Awe is believing and fearing.
In the New Testament, the Apostle Paul commanded the church in Ephesus to submit to one another out of reverence for God. (Ephesians 5:21) In the book of Revelation, God's servants, you who fear Him, all you, small and small, praise God. The reason we have no choice but to fear God is that no matter how perfect we humans are, we are always lacking before God.
As we begin this day, we want to apply our knowledge, thoughts, and meditation on the fearful God in our lives.
First, today I fear God, so am I always being cautious?
Second, is the fear and reverence of God being shown to those around you today through me?
Third, through our church, do the surrounding churches recognize not only the God of love but also the God of fear?
Why is it important to recognize the fearful God?
Because when we come to recognize the God we fear, any big problem we have is no longer a problem.