Title: Food that never perishes
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When Jesus went up to the mountain across the sea of Tiberias and sat down with his disciples, he saw a large crowd coming to him and asked the disciple Philip, "Where can we get bread to feed such a large crowd?" (John 6:5) To this, Philip answered, "Lord, if I give these people the same amount of bread as a yogi, they will have to buy two hundred denarii. At this time, Andrew said to Jesus, "Here is a little boy who has five barley loaves and two fish. How can he feed this multitude with them?" (verse 9). Jesus told his disciples to have these people sit in rows on the grass on the hillside, and the number was about 5,000. After Jesus took the five loaves and the two fish that the little boy had and gave a blessing, he gave the loaves and meat to 5,000 people, and they all ate, and they gathered up the leftover crumbs, and they filled twelve baskets. The miracle of this five-year-old fish is so famous that even children are well aware of it.
In this miraculous event, first, Jesus taught the hungry and naked masses to take responsibility for the historical field, that he did not avoid the problem of eating because it was not my part, and that he was trying to help them in any way. . Christianity is a religion, not a political or economic institution. However, it is the truth that we should not turn away from the hungry people and help them in any way possible when they come to Jesus. The second point is that Philip did not deal with this economic problem with the arithmetic and economic solution that he could barely afford to buy two hundred denarii worth of bread, but he tried to solve it with five loaves and two fish in the hands of a child. This is not to solve the economy as an economic problem, but to give everything a child has to God and share it with devotion and service, and God's blessing for this.
When many of these followers were hungry, they feed them and follow them, when they are sick, they heal and follow them, and they even come to the point of making himself king. Jesus left these followers and went alone. Jesus performed the miracle of feeding the 5,000 people with bread. In order for people to solve poverty, even if they have very little, they must first give to God to receive God's blessings, and to share with each other whether they have little or much. It was to teach the truth that each can live in abundance and surplus. But Jesus did not come into the world to teach economics. Just because Jesus solved the economic problem did not mean that the human world would be saved. The miracle of Jesus feeding the 5,000 people, and the way to get full bread contains the truth that we must share and receive God's blessing.
Therefore, Jesus exhorts us to work and live for food that lasts forever, not for food that perishes after a few hours of eating. What food is there for eternal life? This food of eternal life presupposes the Word of God and the Lord's Supper in this Bible. The word of God has been historically proven to be the food of eternal life for many people who have received it for thousands of years. There was no one who read the Bible, cared for the Bible, and lived according to the words of the Bible, who did not escape from starvation and nakedness, and there was no nation that did not escape from poverty and suffering. In the communist world, which ignores the Bible, ignores God, prohibits learning of God's Word, and teaches only economics, hungry workers are rioting for bread. Those who grew up eating the Bible give their children an education to become a person before teaching them to eat more bread. The loss of humanity is destruction.
The Bible is the bread of eternal life. What is the truth in the Bible? That is Jesus Christ. The Bible is the incarnation of Jesus and the testimony of Jesus. So, eating the Bible as the food of eternal life means having Jesus in your heart and making it the food of your life. The liturgy that symbolizes that meaning is the liturgy of the Eucharist. While he was still alive, Jesus set his disciples down and gave them bread and wine, saying, ?쏷his bread is my flesh, and this wine is my blood.??He said, "By drinking my blood and eating my flesh you become my disciples and abide in me, and I in you." We affirm our discipleship of Christ Jesus by celebrating the Lord's Supper today. By participating in the Lord's Supper today, we receive Jesus as the food of our eternal life and live with the Lord. We receive the evidence of oneness with Christ by receiving the bread and wine at the Lord's Supper today. The word of God lives in my heart, and by partaking of the Lord's Supper, we are renewed and receive the blessing of eternal life.