Title: Foolish Rich
December 21st Trinity Worship <The Foolish Rich Man> (Luke 12:16-21)
Do you listen to the sermons as God gives you, or do you pick out what you need and throw away the rest? If you think that receiving grace while worshiping means that I have to scratch the itchy spots, I would say that the level is a bit low. Jesus is always talking about the kingdom of God. When you say that, you receive grace. Whether or not you say that will depend on whether the listeners live like that, or whether they think it is irrelevant to me.
We want peace of mind when we live our life of faith. But peace of mind is not just kept. There is peace only when the will of God is established in me after hearing the word of God, but just sitting still does not bring peace. There will be peace only when you hear the word, follow it, and live it in your life.
In today's text, it is said that there were tens of thousands of followers of Jesus. It was very popular. So tens of thousands of people are following Jesus, and someone asks about their heritage. Once upon a time, a master had asked me if we were not telling us what to do. Then and now, I am a pastor. The only thing a pastor would ask for would be worship. But that's not to say that you don't think it's important and you don't care, you ask for something else, and why don't you do anything?
As you share these words on the Wednesday evening before Christmas, what are you preparing for Christmas? You have to think deeply about how much interest you have in the Lord who came to this earth. Is what I am preparing today really for you? What I am doing today is not for the Lord, but if it goes further, it is covetousness. When we truly welcome the Lord who has come to this earth and live with the Lord in our hearts, the kingdom of God will come and the kingdom will expand.