Title: Foolish wise man / Proverbs 1-5,24-27
Content Introduction>**************************************************** * *
This chapter provides concrete examples of the already mentioned tragedy of adultery, where the 12th of the 13 lessons in the first passage (chapters 1-9) of this book is mentioned. If we look at the contents, it consists of the first part (verses 1-5) that demands attention to the father's teaching, the middle part (verses 6-23) showing the specific scene of fornication, and the second part (verses 24 -27) stating the father's last counsel. has been
Bon Law>**************************************************** *****
As the content of this chapter develops, always pay attention to the wisdom of God - so that you will not fall into the temptation of a whore. - If you despise wisdom, you will fall into a whore. - The result is complete destruction. that it will.
First: Requires the wise to live according to the precepts of their ancestors. This lesson not only protects the wise man's life, but also promises a rich and meaningful life. How to keep the wisdom of God? ① Live according to God's wisdom (verse 2a) ② Keep God's wisdom as the apple of a pupil (verse 2b) ③ Put the Word of God on your finger (verse 3a) ④ Write the Word of God on the tablet of your heart ( verse 3b.4) ) is. By presenting these facts, we are explaining how God's people will respond to God's Word and live. In other words, God's people must be very sensitive to God's wisdom and never forget it at any moment.
Second: How is a foolish wise man led to fornication? The author warns the wise not to fall for such temptations by dramatic descriptions of the common forms of temptation of harlots. ① He has a human charm that makes other people look good, so he is not ashamed of his fornication. Rather, he enjoys his actions and uses God to maximize his own interests. ② Those who are led by temptation become insensitive to the serious consequences of fornication and become degenerate just like animals (follow their masters even though they are destined to be slaughtered)
Third: What is the author's final recommendation? The author points out that the fundamental reason why a wise man falls into the temptation of a prostitute is the result of not keeping his ‘heart’ well. Finally, it warns that the ultimate result of fornication is the destruction of life that breaks away from fellowship with God. 45)
Conclusion>**************************************************** ****
When a wise man always remembers the wisdom of God in his heart, he overcomes all worldly temptations and overcomes all worldly temptations. And a wise man must be careful not to deviate from the word of God at all. *Amen*