Title: Forgiveness and Love/Mark 11:25
Text: When standing and praying, if anyone is accused of anything, forgive him.
Your Father in heaven will also forgive you your transgressions (Mark).
Gospel 11:25)
Word: Anyone who comes to Jesus Christ will be forgiven and loved.
All. Forgive yourself through Jesus Christ if one wants to live a truly great life
You should. Jesus said that any sinner should repent and make a decision of faith.
If you do, forgive me and give me a chance to start over with my abilities
. Have you forgiven yourself? Forgive yourself through Jesus.
Only those who forgive themselves can live a happy life.
Through the boundless grace of Jesus Christ, we forgive the great sin that deserves eternal punishment.
If we, who received the letter, condemn our neighbors seriously and try to harm them, it is not against the law.
Neil can't. He forgave and forgave his neighbor through the love of Jesus Christ.
We must consider our neighbors to lead successful lives. This is the believer's
That's the right attitude.
A certain king pays ten thousand talents, or about ten billion won, when he makes an account with his servants.
Knowing that there was a servant who was not good, he called the servant
Sell them all to pay it back.] Then the servant fell down and bowed down [to me]
As true. I will pay it all back.] The king took pity on this
forgave him all his debts and let the servant go. But so very
I am a colleague who owed that servant a hundred denarii, or one and a half
When we met, I was imprisoned for not repaying right away.
A colleague who saw this evil deed reported this to the king. but the wages
As he did, he called his servant [Evil servant, because you begged me, I will throw out all your light.
You have compassion on your brother, just as I have had pity on you.
Is there not enough steam?] and immediately put him in prison. this analogy
When Jesus had finished, [If you do not forgive your brothers
My heavenly Father will do the same to you.]
There are many people today who live with great pain in their hearts. or um
There are countless families that are gradually becoming graves in a humid atmosphere. also the body
There are many people who live a depressing life due to their illness, mental illness.
Are you not such a person? Then I can't forgive you at this time
Please carefully reflect on whether or not you have any grudges. grudge digs life
It's awful. Condemnation comes with pain. A man who has a grudge and condemns his neighbor
Ram must not forget that he must first suffer conscience.
Jesus made it clear that [when standing and praying, no one is charged with
Forgive if there is, so that your Father who is in heaven also forgives your transgressions.
I will give it to you]. A person who has never needed forgiveness in his life
There is no one. The saints are the chosen ones who have received invaluable forgiveness
existence. As saints, we absolutely need God's forgiveness and
Each time we live in that forgiveness. Therefore, we do not spare any
Let's forgive this neighbor and live for their success.
Prayer: We thank God for forgiving us. Forgive your neighbors
Let me live with a happy and peaceful heart. I pray in Jesus name
All. Amen.
Voiced Prayer: For the country and people
Lord's Prayer