Title: Fruit of Love
◎ Text summary and background
The best chapter of the Bible is the Gospel of John, which speaks of God's love. In the Gospel of John, God speaks of the love of God, that He sent His Son, Jesus Christ. He is saving the world through his Son.
1. He gave us eternal life.(15)
Just as Moses made a bronze serpent and mounted it on a pole, and saved everyone who looked at the bronze serpent, Jesus must be crucified. He grants salvation to everyone who looks to Jesus.
The crucifixion of Jesus is an expression of God's love for the salvation of those who believe.
God's loving decision to grant us eternal life is that He loves at the expense of His Son.
2. Not to perish.(16)
It is God's plan to save us.
It is God's will to deliver us, not to judge us.
He sent the Son into the world to save us.
3. Who will be judged?
Even though God has given us a chance to believe, unbelief is a curse and cut us off from God's love. Not believing in God itself is a judgment and a curse.
We are the recipients of God's blessing.
◎ Question
1. What did Moses hear in the wilderness? verse 14
2. Who does the bronze serpent held by Moses represent? Verse 14
3. What do you give to believers? Verse 15
4. Who did God give because He loved the world? verse 16
5. What does sending the Son do for the world? verse 17
6. When was it judged for not believing in the only begotten Son of God? verse 18
7. Do you believe in the Son of God?
8. When did you escape judgment?
Are you sure you will get out of the judgment seat?
9. When did we feel that God loves us?
Do you have any joy?