Title: Getting closer to my path (2004.12.12)
Date: December 12, 2004
Word: 2 Timothy 4:6-8
Title: Settlement Ⅰ “To get closer to my path”
Life is all a marathon. Saints are marathons of faith. Sometimes you get off before your destination, and when you get to your destination, you get off regardless of your personal opinion. As we get closer to our destination, we start to fuss and pack our bags.
1. I have fought all the good fights
A saint without a fight is a saint who is dead or seriously ill. Paul lived a life of a bout with no regrets. If you become a slave belonging to the devil or the world, you will only engage in worldly battles (fights belonging to the world).
What is a good fight?
For God's sake, for justice, for the truth, for the church, and for the saints, faithful people of God fight the good fight and the spiritual battle.
The apostle Paul was a man of war. Everywhere he went there was a series of fights. For the sake of the gospel, we must fight against ourselves, the forces of Satan, our people, nature, and the law.
2. Run all the way
① All missions have been completed.
Once the marathon runner has run the promised distance, there is no need to run any further.
There is nothing more to do.
Now that I know, it's no use trying to do something.
②You have completed the path of your life.
No matter how strong you are, no matter how much you regret, there is no more life left.
3. I kept the faith
that the rules were followed
property acquired by breaking the rules
Glory earned by breaking the rules
Health gained by breaking the rules
4. The crown remains.
It is given not only to Paul, but to all who labored like Paul.
Paul is convinced of the crown.
Such saints do not see death as the end, but hope for a new beginning.
The saints should have the courage to wait with such sure faith.