Title: Glory to God / Matthew 5:13-16
Content Give glory to God / Matthew 5:13-16
Key Verse: “In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven” (verse 16).
Word: Calvin, the founder of the Presbyterian Church, said that ‘living to the glory of God’ is man’s primary purpose. You should pray that this year will be a year that brings glory to the Lord in even one field. Good deeds are the most beautiful and valuable deeds that happen at that time and at that place. The most beautiful and valuable deeds move many people. It can be both big and grand, and it can be small and seemingly insignificant.
Good deeds happen when you do your best. Good deeds happen when there is ‘truth and truth’. Good deeds are what happens when you dedicate yourself to the end with what you have. It also means some normal. It can be said that it is a unique state that cannot be compared with anything. The life of Jesus was for the glory of God. When the last moment came when they had no choice but to carry the cross, the disciples tried to fight the crowd that had come to arrest Jesus with their weapons. Then Jesus said, “Do you know that I cannot ask the Father to send more than twelve angels now? How will the scriptures be fulfilled if I do so?” He said.
Jesus lived for the glory of God. Saint Mother Teresa lived her whole life barefoot without shoes. She lived barefoot as well, because the people in the slums of Calcutta she loves don't wear shoes and live barefoot. I went to hotels barefoot, flew a plane, gave a speech at the UN Headquarters, and was welcomed at the White House. But no one ever despised her barefoot or denied her entry. On the contrary, she was welcomed, loved, and respected.
“Seeing your good deeds” is what we make with the heart of Jesus, the Christ. When we who believe in Jesus help those in need and fulfill the mission of light and salt in various fields of society, the gospel naturally flows into the hearts of those who do not believe. The sound of the blood of Calvary's cross fills the earth. Rumors of Jesus, the Christ, abound. Dear saints, remember the millions of people watching you at home, at work, and at school. How thrilling it is to be able to glorify God through our small deeds. God still wants us to do that today.
Prayer: Father God, help me to glorify Heavenly Father by doing at least one good deed throughout this year. In the name of Jesus our Christ, we pray. Amen.
Lord's Prayer