Title: God's Election and Salvation
God's Election and Salvation (2 Thessalonians 2:1-14)
(Hymn 410, Oh by the grace of God)
1. God's Election
How is our salvation accomplished?
Salvation is by God's election, sanctification by the Holy Spirit, and faith in the truth (v. 13).
The Bible records that God Himself has chosen those who will be saved.
Then what kind of people are God's chosen people?
- Those who long for the truth
-Those who do not rejoice in iniquity (verse 12).
-The poor in spirit, those who mourn, the meek, those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, the merciful, the pure in heart, and the peacemakers. (8 blessings of the Sermon on the Mount)
But they were not chosen because they had such a disposition and heart.
Such is the common characteristic of those who are chosen and saved.
This means that we are not chosen because we are worthy of any election.
God's election is the total grace of God.
2. Sanctification of the Holy Spirit
God does a saving work by sending the Holy Spirit on behalf of His elect.
The Holy Spirit works with the power of God and the word of truth.
The Holy Spirit makes people realize and know their sins.
The Holy Spirit gives us the heart to mourn and sincerely repent of our sins.
The Holy Spirit gives people a spirit of wisdom and revelation to understand the word of the gospel.
The Holy Spirit sanctifies and regenerates people's souls with the gospel of Jesus Christ, the word of truth.
Without the inspiration and work of the Holy Spirit, no one can know that Jesus is the Son of God, cannot understand the meaning of his death on the cross, and cannot believe in the resurrection of Jesus.
3. Salvation by faith in the truth
The gospel of Jesus Christ is the truth. We are saved by believing this word of truth.
To believe in the word of truth, the gospel of Jesus Christ
It means accepting the love of God and the grace of Jesus Christ.
Therefore, not believing the truth means not accepting God's love and Jesus' grace.
Why do people not believe in the gospel of Jesus Christ?
The reason they do not believe in the truth is that they love darkness more than light.
Because they love iniquity (verse 12).
Therefore, God works temptation among these people to believe a lie,
That all those who do not believe the truth and love unrighteousness may be judged (verses 11 and 12).