Title: God's Idea of Marriage/Genesis 2:24
Title: God's Idea of Marriage/Genesis 2:24
“Therefore a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and the two become one flesh.
I will make it happen."
1. Introduction
The Bible has very significant words about marriage.
It is a simple yet clear statement, but also very deep. this is a minute
It is clearly what God wanted to give to man. 4 of the bible
The only thing that has been repeated or repeated is these words about marriage.
2. The 3 Principles of Marriage
first; is to leave
Husbands and wives are independent from everyone (even bumu).
A legal statutory public declaration of allegiance and lifelong devotion.
There can be no marriage that does not depart from works.
[Leaving his parents] There is a pain in these words. it's definitely fun
It's not luck. But the Bible is very real and serious. Bible
says [a man leaves his parents].
Leaving is the payout you have to pay for happiness. it's clear
and must be sure. Infants with unbroken umbilical cords cannot grow.
Just as marriage does not actually leave, a clear separation from the family
You can't grow and you can't develop unless Lee arises.
second; is to unite.
The character of a person with lasting, binding affection and faithful responsibility.
(Ephesians 5:21-23). The hiburi meaning to unite is 'to stick together.' ' pool
paste.' It is a 'deadlock.'
Therefore, the husband and wife are attached to each other by glue.
More than anything in this world, more than anyone else, we are closer than anyone else.
To unite means to love. United love is ripe
Love, faithfully - to one - decides to remain, this one and his
It is a love that we decided to share our whole life.
third; It is to become one.
It describes the physical side of marriage. Of course, [one body]
Runda] means more than a physical union. It means two people,
not only their bodies and material possessions, but also
Thoughts, emotions, death and agony, hopes and fears, each other’s successes and failures
It means sharing even the hand. To become one is two people
The body, soul, and spirit of one's body, soul, and spirit become completely one, yet remain two different persons.
it means ah
3. Conclusion
The Bible carries the most important message about marriage.
This very view on marriage is God's idea.
To depart, to unite, to form one body, this is inseparable
that there is no Like the three angles of a triangle, they belong to each other
There is.
The three principles of marriage presented by God by the bride and groom who are starting anew today
Congratulations on designing a happy life by keeping Lee.