Title: God's Promise Fulfilled / Genesis 46:1-34
Content Title: God's Realized Promise
Text: Genesis 46:1-34
Key Verse: (Genesis 46:3) God said, "I am God, the God of your father. Do not be afraid to go down to Egypt, for I will make you into a great nation there."
Humans do not always want to escape from the stable today. Especially those who run the second half of life want to continue their lives quietly there. Hesitation and fear in a situation where the old man has to go to Egypt, which is not the promised land, is a natural phenomenon. Perhaps this old man was afraid to venture down to Egypt, remembering Abraham's experience. Besides, isn't going down there like abandoning the Promised Land? Therefore, these special words and convictions were all the more necessary.
1. When we have doubts in our hearts, let's look to God's promise not to be afraid.
His eyes are always on the righteous, and his ears hear their supplications. Even if you just look up and say a trembling prayer, he rides on a sram and appears beside us, saying, “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid and do not be dismayed. Wherever you go, the Lord your God may I am with you.” he whispers. The fog of doubt is lifted only when we look to the promises of God. Human beings who continue in fear despite God's whispers and promises are disqualified as children of God. Doubt does not come from the attributes of God. It is a by-product of Satan's power, which is consistent with disobedience and corruption. Children of God have no choice but to seek help from God, who is with us, even in the field of fear, and go the way He wants us to.
2. God's promises are fulfilled in ways you never expected.
Who knew that the promise he had prophesied that the seed of Abraham would be more numerous than the stars in the sky and the sand on the seashore would eventually be fulfilled in Egypt's persecution and tribulation! But that's how it was done. “(Genesis 12:2) I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you and make your name great, and you will be a blessing.” We are not judging by what we see, nor are we acting according to our common sense. Faith leads to a special path, so believe and obey!
The thoughts of God cannot be measured by the limits of human thoughts. His plans and progress are often beyond the understanding of the human brain. The reason is that it always exceeds human expectations. There is no way for us as human beings to resist or rebel against God's work except by believing and following.
3. God's presence in Egypt was like an antidote to that wicked land and ultimately saved him from oppression.
Oh my soul! If God said, “I will go down with you and surely bring you up,” go down to hell without fear. The presence of God is strength and power to those who fear, security and comfort in life, and peace in death.
Perhaps these were the words of the father to his son in Gethsemane with the lips of an angel. “Do not be afraid to go down to the grave. I will surely bring it up.” He also tells us: He is with us and saves us. Even in the rough field of life I am walking in, when he is present, that place is transformed into a heavenly kingdom. It must be because of God's providence that where sin abounds, grace abounds that sinners are first chosen as the object of salvation.
1) Humans can have a lonely and suspicious heart when they cross the mountain range. But open your ears and hear the voice of God saying, “Do not be afraid.”
2) God's promises are sometimes invisible and intangible to my eyes. But that promise lives forever, keeps us by our side, and one day it will come true.
3) The place where God came and was with us is the utopia we seek. In many cases, God is there to comfort and take care of his children, even if the place is shabby and shabby in the eyes of humans. Open your eyes and see, are you with me in an unknown place?