Title: God's Providence of Separation
Content ) Abel - Cain (Genesis 4)
2) Seth and Cain (Genesis 4)
3) Isaac - Ishmael (Galatians 4)
4) Jacob - Esau (Romans 9)
5) Moses - Pharaoh (Romans 9)
6) 11 Disciples - Judas Iscariot (John 13)
7) Peter - Ananias Sapphira (Acts 5)
8) Stephen - Nicholas (Acts 6-7)
9) Sergio Paul - Suseo Elumah (Acts 13)
10) Shepherd - Thief (John 10)
11) Shepherd - Wage (John 10)
12) Timothy- Alexander and Hymenaeus (1 Timothy 1)
13) Magi - Herod (Matthew 2)
14) James - Jews (Acts 12)
15) John the Baptist - Herod (Matthew 14)
16) Jeremiah - Zedekiah, Zephaniah, Shemaiah, Hananiah (Jeremiah 28-29)
17) Wheat - chaff (Luke 3)
18) The elect - the non-elect (John 15, Matthew 2-4)
19) Sheep - Wolves (Matthew 10)
20) Lazarus - The High Priests (John 12)
21) Those who serve God - Those who serve idols (Revelation 21)
22) Lazarus the Beggar - Rich Man (Luke 16)
23) Those who are with Jesus - Those who are not together (Luke 11)
24) Spirit of truth - Spirit of delusion (1 John 4)
25) Sheep - Goat (Matthew 25)
26) The righteous - the wicked (Matthew 25)
27) Noah and his family - all the people of the earth in his day (Gen. 7)
28) Joshua, Caleb - 10 other spies (Numbers 13)
29) Of God - Balaam, Balak (Numbers 22)
30) Moses - Korah (Numbers 16)
31) People of God - Korah and his party (Numbers 16)
32) Lot and his two daughters - the people of Sodom and Gomorrah (Genesis 19)
33) Sarah - Hagar (Galatians 4)
34) God - idol god (Jeremiah 10)
35) Christ - False Christ (Matthew 24)
36) Holiness - Unclean (2 Corinthians 6)
37) Good - Evil (Romans 13)
38) Heaven - Hell (Matthew 18, 23)
39) Light - Darkness (Acts 26, John 1)
40) Angels - Demons (1 Peter 3, 2 Peter 2, Matthew 12)
41) Gospel - Another Gospel (Galatians 1)
42) Jesus - Another Jesus (2 Corinthians 11)
43) Holy Spirit - Another Spirit (2 Corinthians 11)
44) Prophet - False Prophet (Matthew 24)
45) Workers of Christ - Workers of Satan (2 Corinthians 11)
46) Those who will receive the reward - those who will be punished (Phil 3, 2 Thessalonians 1)
47) Those who have been saved- Those who have not received (Romans 1)
48) Those who are taken away - Those who are left behind (Luke 17)
49) Loyal servant - lazy servant (Matthew 25)
50) The wise virgin - the foolish virgin (Matthew 25)
51) Doctrine - Other Doctrine (1 Tim. 6)
52) Children of Light - Children of Darkness (Ephesians 5)
53) Children of the Promise - Children of the flesh (Romans 9)
54) Children of God - Children of the devil (Romans 8, 1 John 3)
55) Brother - false brother (Galatians 2)
56) Witness - false witness (1 Corinthians 15)
57) Faith - false faith (2 Tim. 1)
58) Love - false love (2 Corinthians 6)
59) Evidence - false evidence (Matthew 15)
60) Obedience - Disobedience (Matthew 7)
61) Word Discerning - Those who cannot discern the Word (2 Timothy 2)
62) Believers - Unbelievers (2 Thessalonians 2)
63) God's authority - Satan's authority (Acts 26)
64) Works of light - Works of darkness (Romans 13:12)
65) Those who understand - Those who do not understand (John 1)
66) Receivers of Jesus - Rejects (John 1)
67) The humble person - the proud person (1 Peter 5)
68) Those who will go to Heaven - Those who will go to Hell (Matthew 5, 19)
69) The robber who was saved - The robber who was not saved (Luke 23)
70) Those who follow the truth - Those who follow injustice (Romans 2)
71) Life - Death (John 5)
72) Those who will receive the inheritance - those who will not (Ephesians 5)
73) Those who have fellowship with God - Those who have fellowship with demons (1 Corinthians 10)
74) The cup of the Lord - the cup of the devil (1 Corinthians 10)
75) Teachings of God - Teachings of demons (1 Tim.
76) Those who have received the Holy Spirit - Those who have not received the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 3)
77) Narrow Gate - Wide Gate (Matthew 7)
78) Spirit - Flesh (John 6)
79) Believers - Unbelievers (2 Corinthians 6)
80) Christ - Belial (2 Corinthians 6)
81) God's Temple - Idols (2 Corinthians 6)
82) Resurrection of Life - Resurrection of Judgment (John 5)
83) The way of life - the way of death (Proverbs 15)
84) Servant of Obedience - Servant of Sin (Romans 6)
85) Eternal Life - Death (Romans 6)
86) The gate that leads to life - The gate that leads to destruction (Matthew 7)
87) Good people - bad people (Matthew 12)
88) Those who suffer for doing good - Those who suffer for doing evil (1 Peter 3)
89) A godly person - an ungodly person (Luke 2, 1 Peter 4)
90) Honest person - a liar (Psalm 101, 1 John 2)
91) Those who fear God - those who despise (Proverbs 15)
92) wise man - foolish man (Proverbs 12)
93) Church - Society of Satan (Revelation 3)
94) Joseph of Arimathea, Nicodemus - Wicked members of the council (Luke 23)
95) Evil rich - good poor (James 5)
96) Spiritual man - Carnal man (1 Corinthians 2)
97) Heavenly Form - Earthly Form (1 Corinthians 15)
98) Fruit of the Spirit - Fruit of the flesh (Galatians 5)
99) The lust of the Spirit - The lust of the flesh (Galatians 5)
100) Born of the Spirit - Born of the Flesh (John 3)