Title: God's Secret
Colossians 1:24-29
If the masterpiece created by God is human, then the masterpiece created by man is the computer. What is surprising, however, is the fact that computers, the masterpieces of man, are closely resembling the masterpieces of God, humans.
The components of a human are body and soul, while the components of a computer are hardware and software. Computer hardware corresponds to the human body, and software corresponds to the soul. These two functions are so similar that we cannot help but be surprised. After all, human creation is not something new, but an imitation of the attributes of God who made man. Therefore, when human beings come to know God's attributes deeply, they have great creativity.
“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding” (Proverbs 9:10).
When a virus enters your computer, its functionality is disrupted. In addition, if virus-infected software is copied, the virus is passed on to the child's computer, causing malfunction.
The sin virus entered the souls of the first humans, Adam and Eve. So, the sin virus was passed down through the bloodline to all mankind who received the software of their souls. Just as when a virus penetrates into a computer, malfunctions or abnormalities occur, human nature is impaired because the sin virus has penetrated into the human soul. Therefore, evil thoughts arise, they hate others, and they commit sins.
Originally, the software of the human soul consisted of the pure image of God free from sin viruses: truth, holiness, and love. So they were supposed to live happily without hating or harming others, loving and helping each other. However, the evil Satan infiltrated the human soul with a sin virus, and human software was damaged and turned into a vicious being.
“This mystery, which was hidden from ages and generations, has now been revealed to his saints, that God might make them known how rich the glory of this mystery is among the Gentiles. This mystery is Christ in you, the glory of glory. hope” (Colossians 1:26-27).
All humans infected with the sin virus, without exception, must receive the Holy Spirit, the vaccine, to restore the image of God and live forever in heaven.
“You will give birth to a son, and you shall call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins” (Matthew 1:21).