Title: God's Smile
Title: God's Smile Text: Genesis 6:5-22
The first purpose of life that God has given us in our lives is to make God smile. It is to please God. Making God smile is an important goal in our lives. The Bible says: Ephesians 5:10 says, “Test what pleases the Lord.” The word ‘test’ here means ‘prove’, ‘permit’, ‘distinguish’, ‘examine’, ‘try’. It is to investigate and try how to please God. This is the best way to serve God.
Today's text is about Noah. In the days of Noah, the whole world was in a state of moral ruin, and spiritually, it was an age that angered God, hurt God, and angered God. Finally, God even regretted that he had created man. He was so very disappointed that he decided to destroy all mankind. If we too do not care about God's joy and live only after our own joy and only our family's joy, then God will regret that He made us. In the midst of this, you will find a person who pleases God. If you say who he is, it is Noah. Everyone sinned, hurt God's heart, and angered Him, but only Noah made God's heart happy.
1. God is pleased when we love Him the most.
(Genesis 6:9) Noah loved God more than anything else in the world. In particular, according to the text, he loved God the most when all the people in the world loved him, loved the things of the world, corrupted, sinned, and turned away from God. Even when people did not love God, he loved God perfectly. The word 'perfect' here means 'one who is blameless'. morally...