Title: God's Tolerance/Romans 2:4
Title: God's Tolerance/Romans 2:4
1. Celebrate God's goodness and generosity
1] God's tolerance is the mercy and mercy of God that forgives sins in God's deep love.
can be seen in the rain God is faithful when we confess our transgressions and sins
If we do, forgive and bless our transgressions.
The tolerance of God's deep love is the same past, present, and future. we are in the past
Forgives the sins of [Psalm 78:38]
Even now, God forgives our sins [Psalm 103:10]
He also forgives sins in the future [Luke 13:7-9]
2] God's patience means that God will not let His children do according to God's will.
With patience in times of need, we want our children to know God's love and return or obey
that's what you're doing. God is good, and God is one to the saints to punish
He is patient and desires to be saved and to repent (Psalm 145:8).
[3] People fall into ignorance without gratitude for the goodness and patience of God.
You mustn't stand. People don't punish them for their mistakes or disobedience, nor do they say anything.
If you don't, people will be more indulgent, or even more wandering,
Don't misunderstand God's mercy and mercy. We are also zealous saints
Those who have heard are not good toward God, but by letting go, they themselves
Rock Hock is often deceived into trying to distance himself from God.
It seems like a good thing if God immediately gets angry. This is a little zealous saints
can be seen from But man's zeal and faith are always high and low.
There is a sound. If God is angry when there is lowliness, what will happen to us?
go? God's patience is the same for all people, but people
If you become stronger in your patience with goodness, you have amassed the wrath of fire [Malachi 3:6]
2. We can see people's false reverence and thoughts about God's tolerance.
1] Today, children have a flexible attitude to take responsibility for me because their parents gave birth to me.
The Tao mindset is taking place
Rather than the will to move forward, it is peaceful and easy to live in a crooked ground.
The habit of wanting to achieve something is established in our minds without knowing when.
I am saying God deserves to close our eyes to our mistakes or disobedience.
that's what you want. This question is the same as the question asked by Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.
will be Why did God have the forbidden fruit and let us eat it?
Why does God, who complains and knows that we will sin, do that good and evil?
These days when you say, “Do you treat us as sinners?”
It has a place in the hearts of the Edo saints. God lacks the saints, but
I cherish the saints who are obedient to God's word and are trying to do God's will
it's god
2] People say that God is not wrathful, but patient and good.
It gets worse when the tone is hardened and you have a misunderstanding about God.
It is also easy. When you stand in an unbelieving attitude, you are farther away from God.
will not say In the distant future, many people will regret and repent at God's deep calling.
At that time, it often comes after losing everything in time and time.
there will be God's Tolerance God's Mercy God's love must not be misunderstood
no it will be. In Zephaniah 1:12, the Israelites say,
The LORD will not bring down a corridor, nor will he bring down woe."
It's possible. In the Old Testament and New Era, if the people of Israel's inner thoughts were wrong even today, they
It is possible that such thoughts may dwell in Lee's mind. God is angry
There are times when he is slow, but when he is angry, his will is irreversible.
In Ecclesiastes 8:11, we should not misunderstand that sinners sin a hundred times and live long.
you will be God sees all human work in patience and goodness.
3] There are those who make God's tolerance their own negligence. God
In life, this is also a scary and cancerous way of thinking. 2 Peter 3:3
Verse 4 In the last days, mockers will come and go after their own lusts and mockery.
But where is the promise of the coming of the Lord?
It is just as it was when it was created."
When the faith is established, the deep fear of God disappears, and God
You won't even get love
3. How does the power of your goodness guide us?
1] We need to know that God's love is not a person who endures and leaves infinitely.
will do God's love cannot be separated by anything. God's love
It comes with envy and jealousy. That envy and jealousy are a powerful dozen of our calling
Can also be used as a rim
2] Continuously resisting God's love cannot be said to be the work of man's folly.
Yes, God’s tolerance should not be taken as an opportunity to commit more sin, nor should it be postponed.
To be negligent or to be negligent is to sin even more against God.
3] When the saints return to God's bosom, God embraces us, embraces us, and holds us.
I believe that the Lord will lead us to a blessed place.