Title: God's Unbreakable Love
As we approach the last Sunday of 2002, we should be thankful for the grace God has bestowed upon us. We should pray for the grace that has been given to us, and we should also pray for the desire to live a life of hope that pleases God more in the new year. Looking back over the past year, we have had times of prosperity, times of hardship, and times of despair. But God's love for us does not change. He is a God who is always with us and walks with us.
In today's text, the Apostle Paul talks about the assurance of God's unchanging love in three ways.
First, we need not be afraid of present hardships.
No matter how grievous we are today, we need not despair or hesitate. Because suffering cannot separate the love of Christ. Persecution, famine, nakedness, danger, sword, and no suffering can separate us from the love of Christ. The love of Christ is greater and greater than these sufferings combined. The apostle Paul suffered many hardships and eventually suffered martyrdom. However, these great sufferings did not separate the apostle Paul from the love of Christ. Rather, the apostle Paul confessed that the love of Christ compels him.
Second, we can overcome the hardships of the present.
Third, we have confidence in God's love.
Now we close the year. May you end this year happily with God's love. God's love for us is eternal. Nothing can break it. I hope that we will all be able to live our lives while conquering the world in every moment with the help of this love of God.