Title: God Gives Opportunity
God Gives Opportunities
(Jan. 14, 2007) (Genesis 4:1~7) (324: Come to Jesus, 516: Follow the right way)
Occasionally, you may hear people say, “What would you do if you were born again? - This is a word from the Buddhist reincarnation. People die and are not born again. You only have one chance.
A person is born as a child, and after living a long or short life, he is judged and some people go to hell and some go to heaven.
Therefore, once you have lived your life well, you should be praised for doing well on the last day of judgment.
I pray that you will become successful and victorious saints by walking only on the right path, the right path, and the good path.
How can I go on this unfamiliar road without failing? - Nothing to worry about.
*Anyone can go on the path of life because they learn life through their parents. - Therefore, children raised by good parents are more likely to have a successful life path.
* You can go on the path of life by learning through a teacher. - Therefore, if you meet a good teacher, you are more likely to succeed in life.
* In order to spend your first trip worthwhile, you need to meet the guides and guides well.
*But we met a really good father, a really good leader, a really good guide.
It is God. - Our Father, King, Leader, and Guide, God, is always guiding us on the right path and giving us a chance to win. - I pray that you will follow the guidance of God the Father and become victors who walk the right path and succeed.
1. God called Cain and gave him a chance.
A shadow of unhappiness fell upon Adam's family, who lived in peace. However, God did not turn away from Cain, who was enslaved by sin and was about to fall into a great sin. He called Cain to give him an opportunity to forsake the path of sin and follow the right path.
① Cain's heart was stained with sin (4:5).
Abel, the younger brother, dedicated the firstborn of the sheep and the fat to God - God was very pleased with Abel's devotion.
But Cain made a formal sacrifice without sincerity - God was not very pleased with Cain's sacrifice.
It was right for Cain to look back on himself and repent. - But Cain's heart was already stained with sin. - Without repenting of their mistakes - Abel, who was loved by God, became angry and jealous. The desire to kill his brother Abel began to burn.
② God called Cain and gave him an opportunity to escape from sin (4:6-7).
“What is your wrath, and what is the change in your countenance? - If you do good, how can you not be greeted? If you do not do good, sin is at the doorstep. - Sin wants you, but you have control over it. Genie”
Even though I am angry, jealous, and hate my brother - even now realize your mistake - God called Cain and told him not to commit a bigger sin. How merciful are you? You have given us a good way - so that we can get out of the path of failure and go to the path of righteousness and victory. It's given you a chance.
③ He became a failure because he ignored God's guidance (4:8).
I should have just turned around after hearing God's commands - Cain turned away even after hearing God's word. - Unable to overcome his anger and envy - He killed his brother Abel.
So he became a murderer, was cursed and kicked out and became a wanderer. You've lost your last chance.
Dear saints, God always shows us the right path - but if we ignore God's guidance, we become a failure. Please do not become a person who turns away from God's guidance like Cain did.
2. God also called Noah.
God also gave Noah a chance to live in a world full of sin. He showed Noah the way to live.
① Noah also lived in the age of sin (6:5. 6:11).
It was a time when the world was full of iniquity, it was corrupt and vicious, and everything that the heart thought was evil. It was a time that could no longer be overlooked. God had a plan to punish them. He had a plan to judge the whole world with a flood.
② He told Noah to prepare an ark and go in (6:18).
He also showed us the way to escape. He showed me the way to live. He showed us the way to victory.
It is the last chance of salvation from the threshold of destruction.
“The world is corrupt and it will judge you, so make an ark and go in, and you will be saved.” - This is the path of victory that God has revealed. You must not lose this last chance.
③ If you follow that path, you will become a winner. Last chance (7:7, 7:18).
When Noah heard God's word that the world was full of sin, he became alert.
When he was instructed to build an ark, he immediately obeyed and built the ark. And as God had instructed, he took his entire family and went into the ark - Completely obedient - As a result, even when the whole world was destroyed by a flood - Noah's family did not die and all of them were saved and become the protagonists of the new world. It's done - you've made the right use of the last chance God has given you. Hallelujah !!
Dear saints - God is always showing us the right way. You are giving me a chance. - Listen carefully and obey. - Congratulations to the victors.
3. God also called Lot from Sodom.
① Lot also lived in the age of sin (18:20).
The city of Sodom, where Lot lived, was so corrupt that God wanted to judge it. I looked there to see if there were any righteous people, but I couldn't find ten righteous ones. It had no choice but to destroy it.
② He also gave Lot a chance (19:12-13, 19:17).
The city of Sodom will be destroyed, so he told him to leave Sodom immediately. If anyone leaves the city of sin, I will spare them, so he gave me the last chance to leave immediately. No matter how glamorous the city of Sodom was, and no matter how wealthy he lived, it was a warning to leave because it was stained with sin.
③ The results of the obedient and the disobedient are contrasting.
*Lot's sons-in-law did not know God. Even the prophets did not know. Hearing the word of God delivered by the father-in-law on his behalf - I thought it was a joke, so when the city of Sodom was burned, it was burned together.
*Lot and his daughters - knew God. I listened to the word of God. I obeyed God's Word - As a result, I was saved even while seeing the burning city of Sodom. It's a good use of the last chance.
4. Lessons.
Dear saints, today we are feeling the grace of God once again.
It is true that God gives opportunities even to sinners like Cain. Of course, to a righteous person like Noah, He shows the good way.
The important thing - everyone gives you a chance - is a winner if you take advantage of it, and a loser if you waste it. - Dear saints - Everyone - I pray that you will become victors by taking advantage of the opportunities God has given you.
In order to do that, you must first know the Word of God well - I pray that you will read the Bible diligently, come to church and listen to sermons, know God's will, and pray diligently for guidance.
And if you read the Bible, listen to a sermon, or realize something while praying - do not turn away, do not delay, and obey right away, and I pray that you will become the blessed saints who have great victory.
The opportunity for salvation has already been obtained. I pray that you will take advantage of the opportunity to repent, to be loved, and to receive blessings.