Title: God, God, our God!
God, God, our God!
Text/ Romans 11:36
1. Introduction
There is no end to our meditation on the God we believe in. God becomes a living God to all of us, transcending all human conditional situations in this world, such as young and old, young and old, old and young, rich and poor, hobbies, learning, ethnicity, skin, country, occupation, personality, etc. Whether in a dark prison, in the clear and quiet mountains, or on a bustling market floor, meditation on God rejoices, empowers, and refreshes us.
Meditation on God is truly endless. But again, we would like to share grace by meditating on the God we believe in, centering on the text.
2. Let's look at the text of Romans 11:36 in several translations.
o For all things come from the Lord, come from the Lord, and return to the Lord. Glory be to him forever. Amen (KJV)
o All things come from him, through him, and for him. Glory to him forever and ever.
ㅇ 蓋萬物皆本之, 賴之, 向之, 願榮光歸之, 至於世阿們
ㅇ For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things. To Him be the glory forever! Amen. (NIV)
ㅇ Source, Guide, and Goal of all that is - to him be glory for ever!(NEB)
God is the source, ontological power, and origin of all things, animate, inanimate, cosmic energy, mind, mind, soul, universe itself, and human being. (originate with Him).
God is the One who inspires, guides, works, lives, and elan vital in all things. He is the One who fills the heavens and the earth (Jeremiah 23:23-24).
All things are toward Him, return to Him, and ultimately have Him as the final goal. Therefore, God is the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end (Revelation 22:13). All things return to one, and that one is God.
3. What is the message of the text?
first. God is my being and the source of your being. The word to exist is <exist> in English. exist = ex (something outside) + ist (something is), that is, the source of existence is outside of being.
second. God loves us so that my existence and yours can exist and enjoy life. That is why the psalmist said that God is my shepherd, my rock, my refuge, my stronghold, and my keeper.
There are things that a person must have in order to live well as a human being. Physical health, daily bread, food, clothing and shelter, family peace. Mental stability, wisdom to enjoy beautiful things, and peaceful relationships with neighbors. And spiritually, like a tree planted by the water, we need a leafy and fruitful life, the joy of being, the freedom to be bound by nothing, and the spiritual ability to live together. It is God who gives all these things in abundance. Prayer is the way to receive and enjoy all these things.
third. God is the one who finally accepts my existence and your existence into his arms. We are finally returning to God. But your existence and me will not disappear altogether. Forever. The body perishes, but each of us is immortal. Just as everything in this world sprouts, leaves, grows stems, bears fruit, drops leaves, and returns to the earth, you and I are born, live, enjoy, and raise children in this world according to God’s pre-determined order. , getting old, and finally returning to God.
4. Closing story
The God we believe in transcends human thought and logic, hears people's prayers, and finally accepts people. Oh, what a good God!. Heavenly Father, here we are. Praise God!.
Weekly <Fountain of the Word>