Title: God Helps Daniel (Daniel 06:19-24)
Just as the earth hardens after the rain, the believers' faith is strengthened after they go through tribulation. However, when faced with tribulation, there are times when we become confused and do not know what to do or what to do. In this case, we can learn what life should be like as a believer through the person of faith in the Bible. Therefore, today, in particular, we will look at how Daniel relied on God during tribulation and how God helped Daniel through the text.
1. He saved me from the threat of life.
God sent an angel to rescue Daniel from the lion's mouth. Such a helping hand of God was not expected by anyone. However, there is one thing that should not be overlooked. Dear brothers and sisters, when did God begin to work? It was after Daniel saw the faith that put his trust in God. God does not put our wealth, knowledge, or background first. God wants to see the faith of the saints first (John 14'1). God wants believers to grow in their faith through tribulation (Romans 1:17). Therefore, when believers do not rely on the world and depend on God to the end during tribulation, they can experience the helping hand of God who sent an angel to help Daniel (verse 22). If there are believers who have not met God's help during tribulation, throw away everything that depended on the world at this time. And I hope that you will become a saint who completely trusts in God.
2. He revealed the innocence of the saints.
3. He destroyed the wicked and raised up the righteous. The crowds, envying Daniel, plotted a trick and threw him into the lions' den, and they called for victory. However, by the God who judges lies and evil, they eventually became food for the lions. On the other hand, Daniel was saved from the lion's mouth and was blessed by God and prospered. In this way, the saints are sometimes framed by the wicked and fall. But don't be discouraged there. God sees everything, so in the end the wicked will be destroyed and the righteous will be raised up. Therefore, the saints can see that the sufferings of this world are temporary, but the glory they will receive is eternal (Rom 8:18).
Saints! Just as God was always with the saints in their suffering life and gave Daniel as a messenger, he reaches out to those who do not compromise with the world for the truth of God. He judges the wicked and exposes the righteous to the world, so that God knows that He is on the side of the righteous. How are you? Are you sure that God is with you right now? I hope that you will be with the Holy Choks together with Daniel.