Title: God Rules Us/Numbers 22:31-15
To begin with the conclusion we should receive, it is "God who rules over us." We can see from today's Word that all unbelievers in the world and all of God's people are governed by God. When the Israelites were on standby before entering Canaan after completing their wilderness life, God told them not to harm Moab. However, the Moabites are afraid of the people of Israel, and in the end, Moab summons a man of God to put a curse on them, and tries to bring the prophet Balaam as a bribe. Balaam, who at first refused the bribe, was also moved when he saw the bribe and set off on a donkey. But the donkey doesn't want to move forward. Balaam gets angry and hits the donkey, and God opens the donkey's mouth and opens Balaam's eyes at the same time. Balaam opened his eyes and saw an angel blocking his way. In this way, God is in control over everything to the extent that he opens the mouth of the beast to speak and open the eyes of man.
I. Behold the Sovereign God
God had promised Moses and Abraham that he would bless the Israelites. The people of Israel had already received the grace of blessing delivered to Aaron through Moses. In Numbers 23:10, He gave blessings in the past, saying, 'Who can dare count the dust of Jacob?' In this way, God is still protecting the people of Israel who were blessed in the past, and through the incident of Balaam, He is telling us implicitly that He is still in control of everything. Sometimes we are at a crossroads of choice or are often in pain, and even that is in God's hands. When his brothers fell on their faces before him and trembled, saying, “We are about to die,” Joseph told them not to be afraid, that they did not send himself to Egypt, but that God had sent him.
Says. This is Joseph's faith and the teaching of the Bible. God is doing everything through me right now.
II. Look at God who will surely do what He says
He called to curse, but Balaam gave a blessing. Then the king of Moab offers to pay more bribes, but Balaam's heart is shaken and he tries to curse him, but only blessings come out. Ultimately, God is showing us through this that He will surely accomplish what He says. The promises made to us are to be kept. And God gave them a promise: 'The Lord God is with them' (Numbers 23:2). The victory is already with Israel. God saves us and overcomes all things. Even now, impossible things lie before us, but in the end, God makes all of these things possible through His Word. As long as God is with us, we can sing victorious songs. In 23:24, God's people are like lions. Because we are holding on to God who is stronger than a lion, we are bound to be like lions. Today, God governs us through His Word. When you believe and obey the Word, you will open the door of the Word and believe that it will come true.
Ⅲ. Behold God Who Fills Abundantly
In verse 10, there is an amazing saying that your buckets will overflow with water. This is the word that tells us that God provides abundant life and satisfies all our needs. We may have none now, but in the future he will fill our water tanks. 'I saw a star and a gyu (scepter) in the distant future' Here, the star and the gyu symbolize the king. This is a prophecy that the Messiah, the King, will come. It tells us that when the Messiah comes, a wonderful blessing will come to us, a blessing that our buckets will overflow. When the Messiah, that is, Jesus Christ, comes into this world to become our King and rule, we will truly enjoy this blessing in the sight of God. And when the Messiah comes, everything will be full and the kingdom of heaven will be ready.
it will be crazy
*Conclusions are given.
There are a few things that we must confirm before God who rules over us. First, God is my sovereign. Second, God's promises must be fulfilled. Third, no matter what difficulties we face, God is with us. Fourth, God fills our future abundantly. Fifth, God prepares everything, but He prepares eternity. Another thing is that when God is with us, there is no one who can oppose us. At the same time, we have a word of warning. We should not be living only for the visible world. And we must not be discouraged. Finally, we should not rely on human weak resources. In the name of the Lord, I pray that I can become the Lord's children who do not rely on me because I have knowledge and material possessions, but are completely governed by the Lord.