Title: God Sending Words
God who sends the word
“He has sent his word, and heals them, and delivers them out of pranks” (Psalm 107:20).
I. Text Commentary
God does not leave those who have disobeyed Him and once despised His word and became like those who sat in darkness and the shadow of death. So today's Bible teaches us how to bring people who have turned away from God back to Him. He teaches that He sends the Word to heal us. Before expounding on these words, we first see the fact that God returns to those who have forsaken God and are seated in darkness and the shadow of death, and we see the love of God who regards the afflicted as His children.
Psalm 107 as a whole is a psalm of praise to God. So, in the first part, the psalmist praised God's goodness and mercy by singing about how God chose them to be His people while they were living without God. And in the second half of the text we read today, it tells why those who were saved like that came to live in the shadow of death and darkness and live as withered souls.
II. God who sends the word
Even though we are God's children, all the reasons we sit in the shadow of death and darkness and suffer are because of our disobedience and iniquity. He walked the path of disobedience because he loved the world more than God and believed his thoughts more than God's words.
A. Considering the poor as children
These two hearts are always fighting because there is a strong desire to love and serve God in one part of the heart, and a desire to live far away from God and take ownership of himself in the other part of the heart. So Augustine said in his book: “When our hearts command our hands to say to our feet, Go here and pick up that, we hear it. But when the mind commands the mind, why is it that the mind does not listen” What is the cause? This is because the mind is divided into two parts. Two minds are enemies of each other, so if one mind looks at the other and gives orders, there is no reason to listen to instructions. In this way, he realizes that he is a difficult human being that cannot be helped by his own strength. God loves us unconditionally, but when we distance ourselves from His grace, we feel like we have lost that love. But no matter how we feel, God is always closest to us, waiting for us to come out of the depths of darkness and return to Him.
B. Healing with the Word
Today's psalmist says, "He has sent his word, healed them, and delivered them from the plight. In other words, when we live as dry souls in trials and tribulations, God's way to deliver us is to heal us with His Word. God wants to heal and fix our problems from the root so that we can live a blessed life before God forever.
C. How to bring it back
If a person who truly repents before God and asks for forgiveness brings his true nature to God and asks for forgiveness and grace before Him, God will have compassion on the children who come before Him. So, when they turn before God with their hearts, repent of their sins, and are persuaded by the Father's Word, God gives us strength so that we can overcome our hearts that cannot be overcome by our own strength. This is the power of grace. to be. So, we must love God's Word deeply and depend very deeply on it, and cling to God with it so that we can change our lives that we can't even turn back. By speaking to us and speaking to our intellect, God persuades and inspires us to return to the depth and breadth of Heavenly Father's love.
III. God always calls
God is the God who always calls us. God is not with us only when we beautifully serve the Lord in its fullness of grace, but He calls us right there when we fall. The world only needs us until we are useful. But when Jesus wanted to save us by hanging on the cross and bleeding and dying, were we really useful before God? Our goodness was not the cause of salvation, but God's great love, who could not afford to lose his own children who resembled his image. That is why we are people who need to seek the Lord more earnestly not only when we are full of grace, but rather when we are tempted and fall into sin. Because apart from the Lord, there is no other way for us to live.
IV. conclusion