Title: God Who Comforts (Sunday Sermon on August 3, 2008)
Bible: 2 Corinthians 1:3-7. Sunday sermon on August 3, 2008.
Title: God Who Comforts
I believe that God will bless you today.
Everyone likes to be comforted. and all again
People are the ones who need comfort.
So we humans are the first
From my mother, from my friends when I grew up,
And if you get married
Get comfort from the person behind you.
A story about school grades, lovers, and a heartbreaking unrequited love
You need to get comfort from anyone.
So someone has to be on the lobe.
Even in prison, being confined in solitary confinement
I hate it. So, among the punishments, the punishment is to be left alone in a cell.
In this way, wherever we are, what we do, someone
I want to be with you.
So in the end we had companions
will be A man has a woman, and a woman has a man
It got to the point where it should be.
Because when you are alone, you feel lonely and lonely.
Even if you get everything, you are not satisfied. I keep getting distant
you will look And then someone from afar turned towards me
I hope you come to me soon.
God knew this. One day, Adam was alone
When I was alone looking at something, God saw it.
Then he decided to give him a companion.
It is Genesis 2:18,21-23. 18) Said the LORD God,
It is not good to be alone, so I will find a helper for him.
you will build
21) The LORD God put Adam into a deep sleep, and he fell asleep.
He took one of the ribs and filled it with flesh instead.
22) The Lord God took the woman from the rib that he took from Adam.
and brought him to Adam.
23) And Adam said, This is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh.
Because it was taken from a man, it shall be called woman.
24) Therefore, a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife.
The two will become one flesh.
So they got married. That
We are now living together with Rigo.^^ Everyone! So their (Adam, Eve)
What happened in the end? Did you really live happily ever after?
Everyone! But that didn't happen.
Because, in that good Garden of Eden, God, the Creator,
You disobeyed orders. so stop there
I ended up giving it away.
Sadly, they were forced to leave with tears in their eyes.
After that, they are very ashamed. to God
It is the last sight of criminals
They committed a sin that God told them not to do.
I ate the Fruit of Good and Evil (善惡果). With the twist of the most cunning snake
Eve sinned first. And even Adam
made me eat it.
What was the result after that? the ropes they took off themselves
I found out. We felt ashamed of each other.
So, I suddenly made a skirt from fig leaves and wore it.
Genesis 3:8-11.
8) They went to the garden in the cool of the day
Hearing the voice of Jehovah God walking, Adam and his wife
And he hid himself among the trees of the garden from the presence of the LORD God.
9) The Lord God called Adam and said to him,
where are you
10) He said, "I heard the voice of God in the garden, and I
Because he was naked, he was afraid and hid himself.
11) He said, Who told you that you were naked?
Did you eat the fruit of the tree that I commanded you not to eat?
Everyone! From that time on, Adam and Eve were truly ashamed.
you will get work. But now they escape the moment
He makes all sorts of excuses for that.
And they blame each other.
See the results. After that, the relationship between humans and snakes
He will become the Cheon-cheon Ji-su (徹天之怨 ). And the snake is even more cursed
They travel by boat and eat dirt for the rest of their lives.
Then, we will see what kind of punishment came upon humans.
Genesis 3:16-19.
16) And he said to the woman, "I will greatly increase the pain of childbearing you.
You will labor and have children; you will long for your husband, and your husband will
I will rule over you.
17) And he said to Adam, "You listen to your wife, and I say to you
Cursed is the earth because of you, because you ate from the tree of which it was forbidden to eat.
You must toil all the days of your life to eat the fruit.
18) The earth will give you thorns and thistles, and you shall eat
It is the vegetable of the field.
19) You must sweat on your face to eat food, and eventually to dust.
You will return, for in it you were taken, for you are dust.
I will return to dust.”
Everyone! What is the human condition now?
In short, I was on the verge of death. either woman or man
The situation is the same. Die, you have to work
I have survived.
Why did this happen? What was the cause?
It is a crime before God. In return for the crime, so first of all
What have you lost? It is eternal life.
Everyone! The consequences of sin are so terrifying. so for anyone
Death is coming. If so, even before I die
Are days of peace guaranteed? no. It's not like that.
You have to endure all kinds of fear and pain, even if only your life
I have been able to live up to it. To refer to this as miserable
is to do Humans are so miserable
They became beings.
Everyone! It is at this time that our God will save our mankind.
for your only begotten Son, Jesus Christ,
sent to the earth.
And in this way, he was sent into this sinful world.
Jesus Christ suffered all kinds of shame and pain, and then
Hang high on the cross for our sins
that he died.
Romans 5:8-10.
8) While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
In death God commended His love for us.
9) Now that we are justified by his blood,
much more shall we be saved from wrath through him.
10) that when we were enemies, through the death of his Son,
Since we have been reconciled with God, much more is His life as reconciled.
you will be saved because of Amen.
So everyone! Act 16:31 says this, right?
He said, Believe in the Lord Jesus. Then you and your house
will be saved. Hallelujah!!!
Everyone! God's comfort to those who believe
It's really big.
This is John 3:16.
God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son
For whoever believes in me shall not perish but have eternal life.
to do it
So you don't know how grateful I am. God is
He saves everyone who believes in him, one by one.
He comforts you greatly and loves you greatly.
Everyone! No one on this earth can solve our human problems
There is no one who can heal and comfort you forever.
Only God in heaven can save us humans with the problem
He is the greatest and everlasting comforter.
That is why Revelation 21:4 says:
He wipes away every tear from his eyes, and there is no more death,
There will be no more crying or crying or pain.
All the first things have passed.
Amen. <End>