Title: God Who Hears Prayer / Psalm 5:1~3
Content God Hears Prayer / Psalm 5:1~3
Key Verse: “Listen to my words, O LORD, and convince me of my judgment. Hear my cry, my king, my God; I pray to you. In the morning you hear my voice, O LORD. Lee"
Word: David confesses that God is 'my King and my God' and confesses that he is the king to whom he should be loyal and the God to whom he should worship forever. He is convinced that God is the one who listens to his prayers, and he prays earnestly to that God.
1. David's prayer (verse 1)
He tells God exactly what he is doing, praying, “Listen to me” (v. 1). This is a request to examine what you meditate on in your heart, as in Psalm 19:14, “May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable before you.” David's prayer is a prayer that wants him to know his situation accurately and take care of it.
2. David's four promises (verse 2)
First, he promises, “I will pray to the Lord” (v. 2). That promise is a promise to turn only to God without being taken over by false gods or demons, and it is also a confession that we cannot live without prayer to God. Second, he promises, “In the morning I will pray to you” (v. 3). Because in the morning you hear my voice. Morning is the purest and least busy time. So he promises to be alone with the Lord in the morning. Third, it says, “I pray to the Lord” (verse 3). The prayer I offer is a promise that the person who shoots the arrow will aim at the target and point only at the Lord like a flying arrow. Fourth, “I will wait for you” (verse 3), and wait for the answer of prayer from the Lord and stand in the waiting place.
3. Our prayers (verse 3)
Our prayers to God must be filled with 'meditation', 'words of purity' and 'waiting and anticipation for answers,' like David. The time for prayer is ‘morning’. Because morning prayers are heard by the Lord. It's a time when I can focus on just one person without distracting everything I have. Our King, our God, is not a sleeping God, Joshua is not a God, nor an indifferent God. God is a God who hears our prayers.
Prayer: Thank God for hearing our prayers. I will stand toward the Lord without losing my heart and not wasting my time. Let the place where I stand be a place to meet and respond to you. I pray in Jesus name. Amen.
Lord's Prayer