Title: Good friend / John 15:13
Good friend / John 15:13
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Is there anything you can do to help a friend? What is Jesus' favorite thing to do?
There were five close friends who grew up together in a mountain village. We have been helping each other since we were young. Years passed and I became an adult.
One day, while working in the field, a friend collapsed. He was taken to the hospital for treatment, but he contracted a stroke that he couldn't get up from.
The other four friends took turns taking care of them. But the good news came. It means that Jesus is coming to a nearby village.
I couldn't stay still. The friends who decided that they should take him to Jesus and have him heal him, discussed it. A friend made a stretcher and brought it with him. A friend brought a blanket. One prepared lunch. One came with a cloth to block the sun.
He laid the friend who did not do this on a stretcher and came to Jesus holding the caterpillar.
When we went to Jesus with one accord, there were so many people that we went up to the roof and put our friend down in front of Jesus.
Seeing their faith and friendship, Jesus healed the paralytic. The five friends jumped with joy.
Your friendly friend eventually cured her friend's illness.
As children who believe in Jesus, our servants should make many friends when they live in the world. And I have to love and help as myself.
A good friend is essential to being a good person.
Jesus also said that the greatest love is love that even gives up one's life for a friend. Let our children of faith in Jesus be close friends and helpers.