Title: Gospel and Freedom (John 11:43)
When the dead Lazarus came out alive with his body wrapped in a shroud, Jesus saw him and told him to let him go. This is truly a meaningful statement. Because we all died spiritually because of the sin of our ancestor Adam, and we were in the grave of sin, and then we were raised to life through Jesus Christ. Therefore, just as Lazarus was bound to the shroud that wrapped his whole body through death, so are our whole bodies bound by the various strings of death. Even today, to us who have been raised from the graves of sin, Jesus says, “Let it go and let it go.” This is the content of the true gospel.
1. Release the poor with the gospel 1) Those who are spiritually poor - those who do not have eternal life, the Holy Spirit, the Word of God, and the kingdom of heaven 2) Those who are physically poor - those who do not have enough means of living due to material poverty (1) Curse is redeemed in the Lord (2) Sow the seeds of faith and hope for God's miracles
2. Release the captives 1) Captivity by demons - to destroy our normal life spiritually, mentally and morally.
2) Bad character - anger, lack of patience, uncertainty 3) Through fasting, prayer and faith
3. Release the blind man to see again 1) In Eden, the eyes of the spirit to see God became blind.
2) Regeneration and the filling of the Holy Spirit-Opening eyes to see the world of God
4. Set the oppressed free 1) This refers to the oppressed by disease.
(1) Acts 10:38 (2) More than 70% of today's diseases come from mental oppression.
2) Prayer of Faith (Conclusion): Now is the time to preach the year of the Lord's grace. In Israel, the Jubilee comes once every 50 years. In the year of jubilee all slaves who sold houses or land are released and set free and return to their original owners. After the cross of Calvary, a Jubilee is being proclaimed to us now.