Title: Grace of Restoration/2 Kings 5:1~6
Content: Grace of Restoration/2 Kings 5:1~6
“Naaman, the commander of the army of the king of Syria, was a great and honorable man before his master… ” (2 Kings 5:1-6)
In the text, we see that a general of a well-to-do country fell ill with an incurable disease. General Naaman, commander of the Armed Forces of Syria The country of Aramae at that time was a relatively large country from the northern Jordan River to the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, and its language (Aramaic) was the official language of the ancient Near East. Naaman was an important figure in charge of national defense and security in such a country. Also, he was 'a great and honorable man before the Lord,' but he was a leper.
One day, a message of hope came to Naaman. It was a hopeful story that leprosy could be cured. It was the news that the prophet in Samaria could be healed (verses 2-3). This news was good news to Naaman. However, it was not easy to find a prophet in Samaria. It was because of pride. But Naaman went to Samaria. Naaman's desire to solve his problems stands out. What was the outcome of Naaman's visit to Elisha? It was clean. “So Naaman went down and immersed himself in the Jordan seven times, just as the man of God had said, and his flesh was still there, and he was restored like a child’s flesh, and he was cleansed” (verse 14).
Even today, when we do not get frustrated in the face of problems and long for the grace of restoration, God changes us into good things. But in order to experience the grace of restoration, we have work to do. First I have to let go of my thoughts. Naaman had 'my thoughts'. He was expecting a solemn ceremony and treatment (v. 11). How many of us have renounced our faith for such absurd reasons.
Many people in the world look gorgeous, but sometimes they can be rotten inside. We must bring the good news of joy to these people. There is a way to live. It is believing in Jesus Christ. He is the God who can solve all my problems.