Title: Grace that overflows (2012.7.1)
Date: July 1, 2012
Word: 1 Kings 8:62-66
Title: Full of Grace
It goes without saying that the most prosperous times in the history of Israel are the times of David, Solomon, and Hezekiah.
In common, these kings were people who practiced thorough theocracy, that is, God-centered politics.
As a proof of that, the temple was always overflowing with sacrifices when they were ruling the country, so the priests and Levites overflowed with services.
Today, we want to receive grace by examining King Solomon's sacrifice.
Solomon's sacrifice has some characteristics that we deserve.
As we always see in the text, Solomon was a man who received abundant grace, and he was a man who offered a sacrifice before God that was so full and overflowing that no one could match him.
He is a person who has received an overflowing blessing from God beyond imagination.
Solomon received abundant grace of prayer, praise, and thanksgiving.
I was blessed with a lot of prayer.
Prayer is grace.
If we do not receive the grace of prayer, we cannot expect any grace.
They offered sacrifices and sacrifices full of joy and joy.
Solomon's sacrifices were plentiful.
It was a bloody sacrifice.
There were few bronze altars, and the entire courtyard of the temple overflowed with the smell of blood.
This is a preview of Golgotha Hill.
There was plenty of time to give.
7 days + 7 days = 14 days It is difficult to offer sacrifices to God for 14 days as a king without faith and devotion.
It was a sacrifice full of joy and joy.
Because he voluntarily gave because of grace, he overflowed with joy and joy from his heart.
How could I have given you such a long day without God's grace?!
Above all, it is written that God was pleased and pleased with this sacrifice.
wisdom. wealthy movie. Received the overflowing blessing of strength.
The wisest man spoke three thousand proverbs, and there were no plants or animals that he did not know from the vines on the wall to the cedars of Lebanon.
The person who enjoyed the most wealth and glory lived prospering and powerful enough to regard gold and silver as stones, and lived in a cedar palace.
The most unshakable and strong nation, nobles from far and near have come to make a mark on Solomon himself.