Title: Gratitude and Blessing (2004.7.11)
Date: July 11, 2004
Word: Deuteronomy 26:1-11
Title: Thanks and Blessing
Contents :
July is the month of thanksgiving designated by our church, and last Sunday was Thanksgiving Day. Gratitude is the secret to happiness and the ultimate in faith. Why should we give thanks before God? This is because thanksgiving is God's will for life, the Lord's command for us, and the duty that those who receive grace should assume.
First, who is the person to be grateful for?
1) A person who does not forget the grace of God and always remembers and lives.
Psalm 103:2 says, “Praise the Lord, my soul, and do not forget all his benefits.” It is the benefit of receiving forgiveness of sins, healing of all diseases, and saving life from destruction. In today's text, we cry out to God, and we are thankful that He heard His voice and answered Him. Even though life in the wilderness was difficult and difficult, it did not become a problem as we prayed and received answers from God. I thanked God for saving me from pain and difficulties.
2) People who abandon greed and lead a self-sufficient life can lead a grateful life.
We must believe that all the circumstances God has given us are the best life God has given us. Even if it seems like an unfavorable environment, it is God's best gift. Human greed has three consequences. It leads to temptation, to give birth to sin, and to death.
3) He was said to be a person who renounces pride and obeys humbly.
Job 15:25 says, “For they stretch out their hands against God, and in their pride they betray the Almighty.” Can a person who is negative and constantly complaining can be thankful?
Second, how do you give thanks?
Gratitude is possible when we start from the heart to repay the grace God has given us.
1) A life of thanksgiving is a life of exalting and praising the Lord.
A life that exalts the name of the Lord is a life that glorifies God wherever and whenever we do. It is a life of declaring the works of the Lord and bearing witness and testifying of the amazing events that the Lord has given.
2) It is a life of obedience to the Word of God.
I used to live my life as I wanted, but when I receive grace, I try to live in obedience to God's word and will. And living like that makes me happy.
3) It is a life that we give generously to the Lord.
Those who truly thank God will give their body and mind. We give you time and effort. You show your love by giving.
Third, what blessings do those who give thanks receive?
1) He gives you blessings and peace in your life.
It's always annoying. Everything is satisfactory. Everything is gracious. Everything is peaceful.
2) He gives you health, joy, and peace.
The characteristics of a grateful person are healthy and lively. There is always a healthy smile and peace on your face. Before giving, even if there is a little temptation in my heart, after giving it up, I am rather happy and at peace.