Title: Gratitude and Faith (2004.7. 25)
Date: July 25, 2004
Word: Luke 17:11-19
Title: Gratitude and Faith
Contents :
As Jesus was going to Jerusalem, ten lepers visited him. It was on the border between Samaria and Galilee. The border area, where there was less ethnic prejudice, was a safe place for marginalized people such as lepers to live. They stood at a distance and cried out, “Jesus Teacher, have mercy on us,” and wanted to be healed. Jesus told them to go to the priest and show them yourselves, and they obeyed and were healed of all ten on the way.
But only one person came to Jesus and gave thanks.
First, there are two kinds of people in the world. Those who are grateful and those who are not.
Only one out of ten is grateful. In this age, redeemed sinners cannot thank the Lord, disciples for their teachers, and children for their parents. Those who have received much grace are more likely to not be thankful. When grace is great, there are people who bury it and forget it. Those who have faith will always be thankful. Your faith has saved you. Seeing the faith of thanksgiving, He grants salvation. Giving thanks to those who have received grace is a duty. Am I the nine people who forgot to give thanks? Are you a person of grace who came to give thanks to the Lord?
Second, those who are grateful will receive greater spiritual blessings.
The thanksgiving of the flesh brings salvation of the soul and the salvation of faith. When I went to the Lord with gratitude for grace, I was blessed to experience greater gratitude.
It is the salvation of faith, the salvation of souls.
Those who begin their lives with gratitude experience greater gratitude. If you go out with thanks to the Lord, He will give you greater grace and blessings. If you go out with complaints and complaints in everything, an unfortunate incident unfolds in which you are not satisfied with everything.
Losing gratitude makes life sick. If you go to the Lord with thanksgiving, you will be filled with great blessings.
Third, gratitude is the secret to having a better coffin with the Lord.
Everyone ! Do you want to get acquainted with the Lord? Thank you the most!!
The Samaritan leper who was healed went out with thanks to the Lord and had a better and deeper relationship with the Lord. Ultimately, you become a disciple of the Lord. Faith is an expression of our relationship with the Lord. As our faith matures, the more we mature, the more we will surely bear the fruit of gratitude. When there is gratitude, a true relationship of love is formed. The same goes for human relationships.
When we are grateful to the other person, we have good relationships, but those who live with complaints and dissatisfaction lead a lonely and unhappy life. Let us experience a relationship of deep love in gratitude to the Lord. Amen.