Title: Great Responsibility/Matt 18:5-7,10
Subject: Significant Responsibilities
Verse: Matthew 18:5-7,10
And whoever welcomes one such little child in my name welcomes me
If anyone causes one of these little ones who believe in me to stumble, it would be better for the older Matt.
It is better for a stone to be hung around his neck and to be thrown into the deep sea.
Woe to the world because there are things that cause you to stumble.
It cannot be without it, but woe to him who causes him to stumble.
Beware, do not despise any of these little ones, I tell you, their angels.
in heaven they always see the face of my Father who is in heaven.
The change in our country in 30 years is 80% of the change in our 5000 years of history.
I say. In those 30 years, we gain and lose a lot.
I did. Among them, there is no loss of good customs, sound values, or humanity.
There is no denying that it is a fatal loss that cannot be compensated for by any other means.
Teenage crimes that are becoming more violent day by day, derailment can't help but show 'Newkey' on the 18th.
The unfortunate incident that happened at the 'Z on the Bullock' concert hall is pathetic.
Why has the world become like this? If you have to take responsibility for this
who will be I can't hide my shame and guilt more than anger.
Moreover, considering that the youth are the protagonists of tomorrow and the hope of the Korean people, this
which cannot be easily overlooked.
In the text Matthew 18:5-7 and 10, we see the importance of youth and
You can read what Jesus himself said about the importance of the responsibility of the older generation.
According to the Word, young children are very humble, dependent and trustworthy.
characteristic, especially for children, to realize that the value is due to the possibilities contained in them.
It's possible.
A child's future depends on how he or she is taught and trained.
It depends.
This possibility can be realized, but it can also be destroyed.
may be deflected for evil purposes, and in some cases
You can take full advantage of that possibility and change the world in a new way. That
Therefore, there is no question whether a child can grow into a good and desirable adult.
Nya is the role of an established person. You know you are responsible.
As Christians living in an era, we are faithful to that historic mission and
We will pay special attention to youth issues as responsible workers of the future society.
it should be
Looking at the text, we first immediately recognize the importance of young children.
must go
The pastoral poet 'Wordsworth' left a saying that children are the fathers of adults, but yes
Sum puts children on an equal footing with him as a model for heavenly beings, saying, “Our
Angels in heaven always see the face of my Father who is in heaven."
You said. These words mean that the angels protecting children are like a king's favor.
Just as the vassals who receive them have the privilege of going directly before the king, they come directly to God.
It means that you have the right to go.
Children are new people who will live in a new era. The new era of their infinite possibilities
There is nothing more important than nurturing them to be able to live as protagonists of
If you look at that text, you can see how terrible the punishment that makes others sin is.
It is emphasized and you can see that the punishment is different from the ordinary punishment.
“If anyone causes one of the little ones who believe in me to stumble, he would rather have a large millstone.
It is better to hang it around your neck and fall into the deep sea."
When asked how the hell did our teenagers get to this point?
There will be several answers. However, most of all, due to rapid social change
The collapse of values and the absence of responsible education are the main causes.
I did.
In Germany, until the age of 18, which is still treated as an adult, sleeping on a bus or telephone
Even the right to occupy a seat is not permitted by social regulations, and the country of
In England, it is said that children are bred to be treated like dogs.
All. So the most obedient children in the world are British children and Swiss
In Japan, after completing compulsory education, he gets some money and leaves his parents.
are said to be independent.
When the older generation fails to protect and lead children, moreover, overprotection
If children cannot be brought up as a healthy person due to children, it is not intentional.
It is the result of committing a sin that causes sin.
The text is a warning that not everyone can escape responsibility.
The frenzy of the New Kids concert hall was a shocking event. but bigger than that
It was.
Why are we the only adults doing everything else and messing up the sacred National Assembly building?
It was a fuss about seeing it.
I'm at a loss for words. Who can throw stones at them!
All over the world, infidelity, immorality, injustice, infidelity, luxury, pleasure traps and hapjeong
Someone who made it responsibly that there is true happiness and there is the gospel
Has anyone taught you We and I for what those children have become
Indifference and irresponsibility must be beaten and contrite.
In any age, there have been problems with youth, and it is inevitable, but it is a mistake to go to sleep.
The crab will be angry.