Title: Great School, Great Teacher / Matthew 11:29
Content: Great School, Great Teacher / Matthew 11:29
Everyone in the world is a learner. students. So, if you go to the tomb, there are people who have erected a stone tomb saying who or what the students are.
that you have been learning. From cradle to grave, we are continually learning the great lessons of life.
We have really good teachers. The parents who gave birth to you are invaluable teachers, brothers and sisters become teachers, and neighbors become teachers as well.
Nature is also a teacher. And every experience we go through in life becomes our learning. The world cannot be without a better school.
But today I would like to introduce you to the greatest school in the world. It is a school in which Christ Himself is the Teacher.
Christ is the perfect Teacher through all generations. The Bible is meant to testify to the teachings of Christ.
He spoke like a mighty one. Even today, 2,000 years later, we need to sit at the Lord's feet and learn the great lessons of life.
Jesus knows more about the stars than an astronomer. You know more about flowers than even the most famous botanist.
He knows more about the human body than any other famous doctor. You know more about this world than any other traveler.
Jesus knows more about religion than any theologian. Education has advanced a lot in recent hundred years.
In the old days, even in urban schools, a few people sat in huts in their huts to study, and a teacher taught all subjects.
Today we have great buildings. Today we are heavily funded.
Today we have professors who specialize in only one subject. Today's boys and girls can go to top universities on their own terms.
But there is no school in the world that can be compared to the school of Christ. We can see the old days of Christ standing to teach.
His classroom was a field, a mountain, a beach, or a boat.
Sometimes he even taught at home. Finally, he taught many people on Calvary Hill.
Christ spoke on the great subject of this life and the life to come. We hear these words now.
And through thousands of years, the people of this world have learned the greatest lessons from them at the feet of Jesus. Let's think a little more about this today.
1. In the school of Christ, we learn about Jesus as our teacher.
The most important thing in a school is its teachers. Buildings aren't the most important thing. Books aren't the most important thing in school.
Today, many schools have large, beautiful school buildings and libraries. However, not everyone can develop the same talent.
It is the teachers who make great schools, great students. We teach students at the same time and with the same books, but students make a difference. That's the teacher's difference.
There are two kinds of knowledge: what you know by hearing, and what you know experientially through your body. An old man and a young man stand in front of a great statue.
the young man said
Then the old man said
The son has heard of this great general, but he knows it because his father lived with him.
One of the blessings of learning at the school of Christ is to come to know God's Word experientially. I know it through my practice, and I know it through my encounters.
At a meeting, a singer was asked to sing Psalm 23. He sang it beautifully.
The pastor recites it silently, but the singer shed tears at the end.
In the school of Christ we learn who our teachers are. And you get to know him and you come to have him in your heart.
In our school, different teachers each teach different subjects. There is only one subject in the School of Christ, which is the subject of human salvation.
Why does life need to be saved? Because it is a sinner. How can I be saved?
It is through faith in the cross of Christ. In this way, life will be restored to its original state, and we will learn true human relationships and fellowship with God.
And you will learn how to live in the kingdom of God.
Jesus is the great teacher and teaches the best lessons. And we will learn the gentleness and humility of our teacher.
2. In the school of Christ we learn to pray.
We learn to pray on our mother's knees. But we train to actually pray in the school of Christ.
12 The disciples also said, The Lord taught it in class.
We must learn to pray before speaking. You should learn to pray rather than earn money. You should learn to pray rather than sing.
We cannot do anything until we pray well. The greatest problem for all of us is that we do not pray enough.
We know the promises of prayer recorded in the Bible, and we know the power of prayer.
But we do not pray. We must learn this in the school of Christ. We often skip prayer.
It is like skipping from Christ. Our problem is not in the world's temptations, temptations, or persecutions, but in not praying.
It is not that we are defeated in the world because we do not know, but we are defeated because we do not pray.
We have seen all too well how the saints, who were so active in the old days, return to the world by stopping their prayers.
We must learn to pray in order to gain victory in the school of Christ.
3. In the school of Christ we learn to depend on Christ.
Job went to this school, and his teacher gave him some difficult assignments. He lost everything he owned, his family, and his health.
He had to be thrown into a prison of grief and sorrow. His wife said come.
But Job said, "Rise up with great faith."
He learned a great lesson to rely on and that God will bless him in the future.
Faith has done many things in the world, but unbelief leaves nothing. Faith built churches, schools, hospitals, and orphanages, but unbelief built nothing.
We must learn how precious it is to depend on God.
They both failed in business. One said to speak. This man eventually ended his life.
But the other said,
How contrasting? You must learn to depend on God. We must learn to depend on the Lord as our shepherd.
4. In the school of Christ we learn to love.
Our teacher practiced the supreme love. We come together to train and learn that love.
Love is an essential virtue of a citizen of heaven. Because in the kingdom of heaven, everything is done with love.
Therefore, faith, hope, and love will always exist, and the greatest of them is love. Even if the day comes when prophecy will cease, tongues will cease, knowledge will cease, but love will never fail.
This is not the love the world teaches. We must learn the love that Christ teaches. You must not bring the love of the world into the church.
In the school of Christ, you can only learn the love of Christ.
All-forgiving love. It is love that truly saves people. It is a love that transforms even enemies.
Dear students today! Saints! We are all students in one school. Hope you learn well.
I pray in the name of the Lord that you will become well-trained soldiers of Christ and go out into the world to testify of Christ with power.