Title: Growing, Mature Faith$$$$$
Views: 0 Scraps: 0 Date: 2004.06.03 10:04 function deleteArticleSomething( kind ) { if ( confirm( "Are you sure you want to delete?" ) ) { document.location.href="/_c21_/article_something_delete_hdn?kind=" kind kind " &grpid=7iw8&mgrpid=&fldid=41AQ&dataid=308"; } } // Always called on video blogs. function AllBGMStop() {} Let us all become one in believing and knowing the Son of God.
to make a perfect man, to the full measure of the stature of the stature of Christ...
But speak the truth in love, and grow up to him in all things.
He is the head, the Christ (Ephesians 4:13-16).
Just as birth signifies departure from the enveloping protection of the womb, so growth
It means leaving the mother's custody (E. Fromm/a healthy society)
Growing up is the only proof that you are alive (J.H. Newman)
The real goal of education is the inner independence and individuality of the child, i.e. growth and development.
It is to promote integrity. (E. From/Escape from freedom)
Growth means that a growing individual or civilization gradually develops its own environment,
It means becoming one's own challenger, one's own realm of action.
That is, the ability of self-determination increases. (A. Toynbee/Study of History)
Our age is that of a plant.
It sprouts, grows, blooms, withers and dries.
(J.G. Herder/My Ideas for the Philosophy of Human History)
The child Samuel grew and grew, and
found favor (1 Samuel 2:260)
Jesus grew in his wisdom and his stature,
He became more loving to people (Luke 2:52).
In all these things, do your best to promote your progress.
Make it visible to all (1 Timothy 4:15)
Solid food belongs to the godly;
By using them, they are trained to distinguish good and evil (Hebrews 5:14).
Growth:Growth/Hi:saga, multiplication, chama (verb): grow, increase, increase
Hel: Auxano: to grow, to grow, to promote.
Living organisms grow.
Plants, animals, and humans also grow and mature from birth.
Looking at the growth of baby Jesus in Luke 2:25,
Wisdom grows/mental a relationship
Growing taller/physical relationship
With God/Spiritual Growth
You are talking about a person/interpersonal relationship.
In what ways are people growing and maturing?
First, physical growth and maturity.
Physical life begins with birth from the mother's womb.
Prenatal, infancy, early childhood, adolescence, young adulthood, old age...
The life of the body goes through the process of life and death.
Adam was 930 years old, Enoch was 962 years old, Noah was 950 years old.
Abraham 175 years old, Isaac 180 years old, Jacob 147 years old, Joseph 110 years old,
Shakyamuni is 80 years old and Confucius is 73 years old, living a finite life.
Physical health requires eating well, resting, and growing well.
must not get sick
Second, we must grow and mature in the soul.
Just as an egg has a shell, a white and a yellow, in humans
There is body, soul and spirit
Spirit and soul cannot be seen with our naked eyes.
Spirit/soul/Heb: having continuity with nephesh and the Greek psyche
sprit/hi: Has continuity with ruach and the Greek pneuma.
Genesis 2:7 God made man out of dust and breathed life into his nostrils.
When he breathed in, he became a living spirit (soul).
The soul resembles the image of God.
In Luke 2:52, Jesus took on human flesh.
Growing in wisdom and stature in childhood, God and man
you're cute
Wisdom is a mental function, height is physical growth, God is spiritual
Growth and maturity, and people can be viewed as interpersonal and social relationships.
If you look at a person spiritually, physically, physiologically, psychologically, emotionally,
1. The daily bread of the body (Matthew 6:11) is necessary,
2. You need emotional and psychological (soul) forms.
Through reading, music, cultural exchange, praise, affection, comfort and human fellowship
Emotional activity - expressing joy, sorrow, sorrow, and desire.
3. Spiritual food... God's Word/ (Matthew 4:4, John 6:35_48 (faith, hope, love), sermons and
Eating the sacraments (Jesus' blood and flesh / John 6:53-58),
We need praise and prayer, the breath of the soul.
In particular, if you do not eat this spiritual food, you will feel guilty and aimless and futile in your life.
You will fall into a spiritual famine. (Amos 8:11)
The Apostle Paul prayed for spiritual growth and maturity to become an example of believers.
It is commanded to devote ourselves to prayer and speech (1 Timothy 4:1-16).
The Apostle Peter added to the faith virtue, knowledge, temperance, patience, godliness, brotherly kindness, and love.
He exhorted us to be true to the divine nature (2 Peter 1:5-11).
For the saints of the Galatian church, forsake the works of the flesh and receive the fruit of the Spirit
It urges us to make a covenant (Galatians 5:16-26).
Dear co-workers and saints!!!!!!!
Be strong in spirit, soul, and body, so that you can participate in the kingdom, glory, and gospel of God.
Loyalty, service, dedication!