Title: Hannah's Devotion/1 Samuel 1:19-20
Contents 1993.9.12 Evening 1 Samuel 1:19-20 Hannah's Devotion
Verse 19 says that they got up early in the morning and worshiped before the Lord and returned. The distance from their house to the temple is about 16 kilometers, and they did not think that the place of worship was far away to worship God. And it did not interfere with the worship service.
Why? Because worship is fun. Because it is the place to meet the greatest of all. For he who hears our wishes and answers them receives us there.
Verse 20... Finally, Hannah was blessed with conception. When young people want to have children in the future, they must pray to God. It must be a gift from God, not just a child born by chance.
Just as a great person in the Bible prays and a person who is born becomes a leader who is greatly used by God, the saints of the present day will have great children by praying for their children through prayer, praying earnestly during pregnancy and meditating on the Word of God.
A godly home is the cradle of great men. It must be remembered that the real greatness of a man consists in the development of all the powers of the soul and above all of his conscience. If a brook passes through any stream or river with unclean material, the unclean place must receive toxins.
A child's conscience will likewise take its character from the character of those who surround it. If he were to be born into a morally unclean family, his moral feelings must be tainted.
I believe that as a drop of poison spreads evenly in a bowl of water, so a defiled conscience will exert its influence throughout his life through his words and deeds.
Conversely, the conscience of a little child in a godly home is carefully guarded against anything that can defile it, and follows the divine example of the parents and is conditioned to be a great figure in wise teaching.
I don't know how you define a great person. This time, we see a case in which the former Chief Justice of the Supreme Court resigned after taking responsibility for the excessive possession of the Supreme Court, or for acquiring it through an unfair method or a dishonest method. History never says that such a man is a great man. As we well know, Schweitzer, who gave up his complacency and wealth and fame, went to Africa and devoted himself to the people suffering from disease and ignorance, is respected as an African saint and is said to be a great man. The Bible also says that the world cannot bear such a person of faith.
Hannah gave birth to a son. I called him Samuel. The meaning of the name is 'God has heard'. That is, God answered Hannah's prayer.
It is special that Hannah named it this way. We saw Hannah's tears last time. Therefore, whenever Hannah sees her beloved son, he remembers that it is a gift from God, and believes that every time she sees the child growing up, she will have more trust and love for God.
I believe that there is a huge difference between having a child by chance as we live as a married couple and a son we got through prayer to God. Hannah is really happy. Every time I see Samuel, I believe that this child was given by God and that he will pray more with the determination to raise him well according to God's will.
Gentlemen, Peninnah had many children, but there is no record that she asked God for a son. character! What difference do you guys have? What is the difference between a son who was born through just living and a son who prayed before God with tears?
He is a son who is more precious than a son who is easily obtained. A son dedicated to God even before the possibility of his existence.
Whenever Hannah calls her son, she thinks of God's special love.
In the Bible, I hope you can see the parents of godly people who raised their children by receiving them from God and entrusting them to God. You can see Isaac, Moses, Samuel, and John the Baptist Samson.
Remembering that there is no greater blessing in this world than being born into a family that fears God, I pray in the name of the Lord that your faith may be recognized by God so that your children will grow up to be truly blessed children.
Please compare the families of those who know God with the families of those who do not know God. The place they are born is a place of no morality and is where most crime takes place. Such families make children sick. Children of families who truly fear God learn godliness, love, meekness, and learn how to live righteously. Families that serve God pray for their children before they are born. How much did Hannah and Elkanah pray while waiting for the child to be born? Please keep in mind our young people. Also, I hope that our members will strive to lead their children to faith, no matter what they do, and pray for them. Amen