Title: Happiness in Fulfilling Purpose (Mark 11)
happiness with purpose
Mark 11:35-45
Now, Jesus says, verse 45. “For the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve, and to give his life a ransom for many.”
It has a clear self-purpose. It is not a story about how one day, one day, one day, one day, one day, one day, one day, one day, I became a servant, and as a result, I died on the cross. This means that He came to serve from the beginning and came to bear the cross in the first place. It is original, original and fundamental. This is an important fact that you knew from the beginning what service is and what death on the cross means. Today we are people learning Jesus. So these are people who try to be like Jesus. This means to become a servant in a different sense depending on the words of Jesus in today's text. This is Christian. In conclusion, the purpose of our life of faith is a life of service. And it means how happy you will be if you achieve this purpose and live.
Now, remembering this, let's listen to Jesus again. Verse 44. “Whoever wants to be first among you must be slave of all.” The desire to be first is excessive, and even though there is no intention of exalting others, he is anxious to exalt himself, and serves without words or deeds worthy of service It is that God judges and humbles the heart that exerts force in order to receive it. So guys, think about it. Are the people you serve happy? Is the person being served happy? If you're not sure, think about it this way. The happiness enjoyed by those who serve is based on freedom. However, the happiness of those who are served is not free. Since you always have hopes and expectations, do you think that not being able to meet them is considered happiness? That's a huge difference. If anyone can do it with love, whatever it is is freedom and happiness. There is no love in seeking to be served, but there is love in serving.
Dear saints,
Purpose is important. It's important to be successful, and it's important to be successful. But most importantly, the purpose of life is a matter. Especially the issues of the Christian life are even more important. If you are still living without knowing the purpose of your Christian life, you should remember the word of the Lord today: “Serving is the reason for my life.” Do you understand now? What is the purpose of your life? If you want to live faithfully in this world as a Christian and come before God as you are, please do not forget how important a life of service on this earth is.